To: Virginia Ridgerunner
Hello, Liberals are pro-rape. Bubba Clinton was. Planned Parenthood is. Sandra Berhard make a rape joke about her “black men” raping Sarah Palin. And now David Letterman making rape jokes about her daughter.
46 posted on
06/10/2009 8:35:58 AM PDT by
a fool in paradise
(June 4, 2009 - the day Barack Obama threw all of America under the bus.)
To: a fool in paradise
Add the ‘hate f***’ piece in Playboy against conservative women to that list.
94 posted on
06/10/2009 8:51:20 AM PDT by
(Obama. Clear and Pres__ent Danger.)
To: a fool in paradise
Every day, it’s more like Sodom. Did you hear June is LGBT month now?
438 posted on
06/11/2009 7:06:17 AM PDT by
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