Accidentally? No way it was accidental. Someone released classified info that has been classified since I worked for the AF years ago. It is well known that it is classified and on a need to know basis even with a clearance and some ZERO tool makes it public? How convenient.
That's my take on it to. Sure, rarely, very very rarely, someone may screw up and there will be an exposure. But my gut feel is that when there is a disclosure of classified, it is intentional for whatever reason. They need to find the {expletive} responsible and string him/her up by their thumbs. Maybe waterboard them until they reveal why they did it.
I’m still curious as to who actually released it. As far as I can see from the article, it got released at O reviewed it.
“President Obama sent the document to Congress on May 5 for Congressional review and possible revision, and the Government Printing Office subsequently posted the draft declaration on its Web site.
As of Tuesday evening, the reasons for that action remained a mystery. On its cover, the document attributes its publication to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. But Lynne Weil, the committee spokeswoman, said the committee had neither published it nor had control over its publication.
Would concrete steps include making sensitive information available, which would stir public debate about nukes, perhaps ending in a government consensus that many of our nuclear sites and arsenals are obsolete now and can be closed or destroyed? Especially since their value as secret installations has now been compromised?
absolutely it was done ON PURPOSE.
Why is there no naming names on this eff-up?
IMO, this was a BIG eff-up.