Here is what Daily Kos people say:
Sad .... (30+ / 0-)
Recommended by:latts, mattman, bronte17, DaleA, Cedwyn, dejavu, lcrp, murrayewv, rapala, capelza, irate, stitchmd, snootless, Ice Blue, Sister Havana, BachFan, greenearth, 4Freedom, Terminus, ZenTrainer, camlbacker, Jimdotz, Moderation, sand805, mamamedusa, Deoliver47, mdmslle, ArtSchmart, Vacationland, Edgewater
I hope they throw the book at the extreme wing of the anti-abortion movement — the wing that believes that bombing clinics and shooting providers is the way to win this debate.
I hope we can use many of the anti-terrorism laws and resources to combat this menace.
“Self-regulation is to regulation as self-importance is to importance.” Willem Buiter
by Bronxist on Sun May 31, 2009 at 09:56:19 AM PDT
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This is also horrible because.... (45+ / 0-)
Recommended by:rhubarb, bronte17, annrose, DaleA, sngmama, bustacap, MA Liberal, lcrp, murrayewv, rapala, 3goldens, PAbluestater, Chinton, stitchmd, jimstaro, terjeanderson, Sister Havana, BachFan, sherlyle, Lashe, 4Freedom, Terminus, buckeye blue, camlbacker, Seneca Doane, Moderation, JaxDem, TheFatLadySings, mamamedusa, left my heart, Tam in CA, temptxan, watercarrier4diogenes, satanicpanic, sherijr, jan0080, maxxdogg, Sarahsaturn, Vita Brevis, ArtSchmart, PurpleMyst, InfinityLincoln, kerflooey, Greek Goddess, NoMoRepugs
Dr. Tiller spent much of his time being persecuted and prosecuted by the wingnut right. To have endured what he did all these years and to be murdered for it is truly a heartbreaking loss.
Hi, my name is Auntie Neo Kawn and I’m a recovering wingnut.
by Auntie Neo Kawn on Sun May 31, 2009 at 09:48:49 AM PDT
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He was a hero (33+ / 0-)
Recommended by:expatjourno, annrose, DaleA, Bionic, sngmama, bustacap, MA Liberal, murrayewv, rapala, Auntie Neo Kawn, stitchmd, majcmb1, Yamara, terjeanderson, Sister Havana, sherlyle, ferallike, ActivistGuy, Sagittarius, Terminus, camlbacker, Moderation, JaxDem, mamamedusa, left my heart, Tam in CA, watercarrier4diogenes, satanicpanic, Setrak, Deoliver47, Mayken, ArtSchmart, PurpleMyst
He lived a hero, he knew he was a hero, and he died a hero. He showed the bravery that most military fetishist wingnuts can only dream of. To find someone who will replace him, the second question to ask, after “are you qualified,” is “are you a hero?”
They tortured people to get false confessions to fraudulently justify invasion of Iraq.
by Seneca Doane on Sun May 31, 2009 at 09:59:24 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
Indeed, (7+ / 0-)
Recommended by:annrose, DaleA, MA Liberal, Seneca Doane, mamamedusa, left my heart, watercarrier4diogenes
greatness is often best measured by the amount of hatred that one is willing to endure for the sake of protecting their convictions.
“Change has come to Washington, and I hope Karl Rove is ready for it. After two years of stonewalling, it’s time for him to talk.” Mr. John Conyers Jr.
by Setrak on Sun May 31, 2009 at 10:01:54 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
They see him as a hero? Hey, even Hitler had people justifying what he did. You can create your own world and justify anything. They have done that with the murder of the most innocent and see nothing wrong with it.