Cheney is lifting the veil on Obama.
We can see that Obama would make a great class president in a junior high school.
628 posted on
05/21/2009 8:45:09 AM PDT by
(Obama's MIDDLE GROUND on abortion is a "FREE FIRE ZONE." What's his middle ground on racism?)
To: syriacus
I have the feeling Cheney is risking his health by giving this speech.
644 posted on
05/21/2009 8:47:41 AM PDT by
(Obama's MIDDLE GROUND on abortion is a "FREE FIRE ZONE." What's his middle ground on racism?)
To: All
Seeing as Obama did the democratic response before Cheneys speech, someone let me know when the reporters get to Gibbs at the presser (for his response).
1,085 posted on
05/21/2009 1:09:50 PM PDT by
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