Sounds like a lot of bad blood between them. I could see a small settlement but it appears they are trying to get rich off the place.
I’ve met three people (at the local gun range and gun stores here in NE Florida) who have been to Front Sight and they had nothing but praise. I’ve read some books and blogs by people in the survivalist movement lately, and Front Sight comes up as their training location of choice too.
I think this lawsuit was primarily designed to “get” Piazza and put Front Sight out of business.
For people that aren’t familiar, Piazza does look like a slick used-car salesman and his email advertising campaign makes you feel like you are being pursued by a cult (or at least an Amway distributor), but the classes look intriguing and a couple friends and I have been considering taking the 4-day pistol course in the Fall. We’ll have to put that on hold until we see how this shakes out.
Fascinating. I was just looking over the Front Site website the other night, and even considered the classes. This is going to damage the company’s reputation, but Piazza should have known better. The squeeky wheel always gets the grease, and what could be more noisy than his sales pitch, which reminded me of a used car salesman’s pitch. I hope it all works out for the company, though. A definite attack on 2nd Amendment rights in a round a bout way.
Is it any wonder a place like this is in receivership. It is experiencing an economic tsunami with the increased costs to shoot.
With the high cost of firing a weapon there is going to be less of it.
Anyone ever taken one of their armorer’s courses?
Or has anyone viewed an AGI armorer’s course?