Emotions have nothing to do with my comment.
If the tables were turned and it was a group like Code Pink who were trespassing on a university’s property and breaking the university’s rule, it is highly probable that some folks here would be singing a different tune.
Alan Keyes knew in advance that he would be arrested by breaking this university’s rules. And yet, this same man gives fine lectures on the rule of law.
Good point. Your point, the babies’ lives.
Caribou...the libs do this all the time..been to rallies where you had terrorists in masks with Hamas flags threatening us...This is certainly alot more harmless then that...Firebrand knows she’s been doing this a long time..we’ve been horrified at some of the things we’ve seen...
Then his actions would be then classified as “civil disobedience” wouldn’t it? That used to be honorable. Although we would sometimes wish it, we cannot impose upon other people our wishes.
Some may perhaps wish to write to Mr. Keyes in a tone of mutual respect for his committment, and the cause, and the issue, but explain their thoughts, and what the strollers felt like to them...
However, one that gives excellent oratories on understanding the rule of law, also understands the consequences of an act of Civil Disobedience.
As for the university’s policies — they are free to have the rules of their wishes (they are still a private school, eh?).
There’s no reason they couldn’t protest in front of the campus, or around it. Obviously Keyes and his fellow protestors didn’t think that would be “good enough” to make the point. Therefore, they decided to perform an act of civil disobedience.
No one was harmed, no one was injured. If anything the person’s who were arrested are the ones paying the price (through time in jail, a record, fines, etc...). I thought Acts of Civil Disobedience were well-respected in Conservative “circles”. I don’t think I’m wrong in that, am I?
I think you're right, but you are trying to make a moral equivalency between the Leftists and us.
My gripe would be based on the fact that generally, Lefties are given a pass, (just look at how the Lefties who tore down the crosses protesting abortion back in February were recently honored for their contributions to the debate, and how the Lefties who shut down Tancredos speech just a couple weeks ago are going scott free, including the professor who organized and gave extra credit for the 'protestors', thugs really) and conservatives are held to the law, or even held to the standards of the arresting policeman that may very well far exceed the law.
There is no contradiction here at all. Alan was simply engaging in civil disobedience. He realizes that laws against trespassing are licit, and he was willing to go to jail for trespassing. But he also understands that Notre Dame is violating a much higher law, the honoring of someone dedicated to the destruction of innocent human life, and he was engaging in a tactic which he thought was suitable in opposition.
Is this an example of the ends justifying the means? No, because Alan's act of trespassing was not intrinsically evil, but simply a violation of a civil (practical) law, somewhat analogous to speeding on the way to the hospital.