So far every time Cheney has spoken a Rhino has showed his face. Like Jindal telling him to lay off Obama. I hope another Rhino shows their face when Cheney talks again. We need to find out who will NOT be part of 2012. Even after he has served his country he still continues to serve in any way possible. God Bless Mr. Cheney!
only Sanford and cheney so far has really impressed me thus far for 2012.
Jindal shouldn’t have told Cheney to lay off obama and he doesn’t come across as someone who will attack and one thing we need in this party right now is some who can attack and be articulate
“So far every time Cheney has spoken a Rhino has showed his face.”
RINO’s Schminos: all DC politicians and the ruling political class are pro-big government, anti-liberty and anti-individual rights. There are no “RINOS” because that assumes that there is something called a “Republican” that is something other than a supporter of big government. I believe that there is no such thing, or that if there is, Dick Cheney is one of the very few surviving examples of a truly endangered species.