“I’m against the bill. Smacks of big brother. And I’m irritated that a (R) is sponsoring it.”
Please see my prior post. This article is nonsense.
From the article:
Patricks’ bill does not specify exactly who a ‘peace officer’ who is authorized to demand papers is. It doesn’t say whether it would be limited to TCLOSE certified police officers, or would apply to constables, security guards, or neighborhood watch members. It also doesn’t specify what passes for ‘i.d’ and wither it would have to be a photo i.d.
Rubbish. Security Guards? Neighborhood watch? Only peace officers can temporarily detain a person for reasonable suspicion of having committed a crime.
Also from the article:
The bill also does not spell out any safeguards or recource for citizens who are asked at random to identify themselves to police.
Nonsense. Random detentions are not legal. The bill does not even apply to that.
“or neighborhood watch members”
And how long before (ACORN) a community (ACORN) organizer (ACORN) can demand to see your ID? If security guards and neighborhood associations are commissioned to require it, is it a long leap to imagine zer0’s little Red Guards having the same power?