A quote the other day -
“they can protest all they want, as long as they pay their taxes” attributed to Al Haig, 1984.
Indeed, this is where to hit them.
Do we have the guts to do it?
As long as it's legal, sure.
Stop spending so much. Cut back on your consumer tax payments.
Stop working weekends and over time. Cut back on your income tax payments. You really don't need that huge house. A smaller house is easier to take care of anyway. Cut back on your property tax payments.
Like to eat out at restaurants? Have a family or neighborhood cook out or movie night at home instead. You'll actually like it.
What about all the clothes in the closet? Do you really need those new pants?
Grow a garden. If you don't have the land, use containers. They'll work just fine.
Barter. If you have a service or a craft, trade it!
The key to having everything you need is not more money and more taxes. It's networking with like minded people. You'll be surprised how well your life can be when you meet as many people as possible. Through this network, you can get deals you could only dream about before - and you'll all benefit from them. Even better, the politicians are left out of all of it. Let them get their own jobs!
Short version ... NO
Long version ... Some of us do, but it would take 20-40 million doing it to have an impact as well as provide a buffer. They cannot imprison 30 million of us.