Posted on 04/11/2009 4:41:59 AM PDT by jimbo123
When Somali pirates hijacked the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama this week and took 20 Americans hostage, President Barack Obama refused to comment. It seems that our new president is desperate to do everything he can to distance himself from his predecessor, which is why his team has launched a campaign to rebrand the War on Terror. The results are mystifying. "Overseas contingency operations" is the new name for the war, while "man-caused disasters" is a euphemism for terrorist attacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
They certainly "miss defying" our country's enemies, foreign and domestic.
Operation “Focus Group” isn’t going as well as Obama would like.
There is no shortage of teapots and rabbits in this administration and no shortage of fodder for psychiatrists and men with white coats.
No. When will people realise Hussein is most definitely in his Islamic post 9/11 mentality and is out to destroy America.
Someone should start a pool for when the butterfly net arrives.
CNN this morning was terribly frustrated that Obama has refused to make absolutely any public comment on the situation. They are in poor spirits I guess.
This is an important article that clearly explains the distinctions involved in this broad issue. Fascinating, IMO.
For those who haven’t clicked the link to read the entire article, you should click and read.
Peter Pan shows better sense dealing with pirates than Obama.
“man-caused disasters”
A racist phrase if I ever heard one.
When will people realise Hussein is most definitely in his Islamic post 9/11 mentality and is out to destroy America.
I was convinced before he was elected! It really is the only reasonable explanation, nobody with a brain can believe that what Obama, Pelosi, Frank and the rest are doing and saying is any kind of an effort to improve things, I refuse to believe they can be that stupid and still tie their own shoes. Therefore they must be INTENTIONALLY wrecking the country and stealing everything they can lay their hands on while they lie like crossties on a railroad and exhibit a complete indifference to the havoc they are creating.
I guess they are in need of hearing from The One. His words alone will replenish their spirit. (Of course that is all they will get, just words.)
What if a woman suicide bomber is involved?
This is shameful.
“Someone should start a pool for when the butterly net arrives.”
I won’t bet, but I’ll hope, that real soon, by way of an honest and un-acorned electoral process, they’ll be sent to the corner with all the other psychotics to brood about lost power.
(Thank you for the wonderful picture. Still ROTFLMAO.
printer whirring as we speak.)
He's certifiable, no doubt. Not in touch with reality.
Obama’s refusal to speak out about the pirates—in the hope of not having to take any sort of action about this—is certainly a far cry from President Truman’s statement that “the buck stops here.” Obama wants to be President without having to take responsibility for his Administration’s aimless foreign policy. It is certainly ironic that he has no qualms about interfering in the operations of private businesses, about telling executives and companies how to do their jobs, but he is not willing to carry out the most important responsibility of his job, which is national security, protecting the lives of Americans at home and abroad. He hasn’t even been office three months and he is already failing to live up to his oath of office. Every day I lose respect for this man. It is obvious that he is just a power-hungry demagogue who really doesn’t care about the welfare of the U.S.
A racist phrase if I ever heard one...
Sexist, actually.
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