Obama will make a speech blaming Right-wing talk radio.
Rush, brace for backlash.
This could very well get the fairness doctrine passed.
just think what it will be like if n when obama tries to take away gun rights...not goin g to be pretty...
“Obama will make a speech blaming Right-wing talk radio.
Rush, brace for backlash.
This could very well get the fairness doctrine passed.”
Read these posts by bloggers at the NY Daily News.
Rush, and all conservatives are blamed for this actions of the nut-job murderer.
BTW. The blog needs big time posts to rebut these at:
The right winged talk media is partly responsible for these innocent killings. What in gods green earth does Obama have to do with this. Absolutely nothing but the radio anti Obama nitwits are constantly pouring gasoline on the fire.
Did anyone ever teach this idiot that the President does not have that kind of power.
hjo4: “These irresponsible talk show host that plant the seeds and lie about President Obama taking away our rights should be held accountable, it’s unfortunate they can’t be.” So, you want to respond to right-wingers lying about Obama taking our rights away by... taking their first amendment rights away? Are you crazy, or just an idiot?
Situations like these are a calling for GUN CONTROL!!! Gun control doesn’t mean banning guns — for the right wing nutjobs who believe that. I believe in the 2nd amendment and my father owned a gun but we were terrified to even be near it. Gun control is absolutely necessary. I don’t want another crazy loon walking into K-Mart to purchase a gun & then going on a killing spree.
Oh, boy... them thar yokels & rednecks are now gonna start making up wild stories to make this nose-picking goofy doophus out to be some kind of urban hero. Anyone notice how many of those cops in the photo are overweight? Jeeeeeeeze!
What a perfect example of the lunacy that is involved with people and their ‘Obama’s making the sky fall’ mentality. We heard the Fox News reports all during the campaign, and since it concluded, that Obama will want to ban guns. Yet the guy has never even MENTIONED it. Of course, this is from the same network that reports on the ‘terrorist fist jabs’ between Obama and his wife. Good reporting!
instead of hoarding guns to start ‘a revolution’ against the liberals, these far right gun kooks will just randomly pick innocent people off. Good luck with your revolution, babies. Many thank to the WingNutDaily and other lunatic web sites that are feeding this lunacy.
FabienneD - as a relative of one of the fallen officers in Pittsburgh, I disagree. Just as there is the right to arm there also freedom of the press/speech. Suppression of rights adds to the problem instead of making it better. When views are expressed in a way that encourage dialogue and decision, America is better off. In this case, if the gunman had listened to or read about Mr. Obama’s position, he would have realized his concern was unfounded. I suspect that, instead, he listened to extreme radio shows that promoted fear and intolerance. Not only is his life damaged — so are many other innocent people connected to the fallen officers.
Coulter, Hannity, Beck, O’Reilly, Limbaugh must be proud of their violent deadly spawns’ deeds filling the headlines in tandem with the right wingers’ body counts week-after-week since January. Champagne corks are most definitely popping at Beck’s FOX studio tonight. He’s been the loudest weeper along with crazed legislator Bachman of Buchenwald instilling a choreographed “kill or be killed” to their goose stepping mouth breathers denegrating our nation day-by-day. AOL has headlines on the home page that state this shooter “feared Obama”. Let’s count the ways those fears were imprinted into his psyche by the right wing pouting they can’t rape and pillage our national treasury and dignity from within anymore. Not hard to notice that all these mass murders these many weeks have been confessed by the killers to have been motivated by the well-known celebrity voices noted above drilling into toxic psyches of their consumers. . . and the very people who use their weapons in eve
The shooter and his internet presence has his ranting and quoting Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, et al . . he’s following orders of his right winger’s talking points to “fear Obama” as the shooter has posted around the net. Mission Accomplished! your ilk’s propaganda killed and killed and killed since January and today you got extra points for the deaths of officers ... we the people know how you party rolls.
Drader: You are going to give this board a bad name with your level of intelligence and insight. If Mr. President brought up gun control (which isn’t about legal, sensible, legitimate gun ownership and never has been) during the campaign trail, it might have been once -— at 3 a.m. It hasn’t even remotely been an issue since he took office, so I’m equally puzzled over where “the bad man is going to take away my guns and ammo” junk is coming from. Rush, Beck and the rest of their ilk are so obtuse and clueless, it ceased being fun to parody them in, oh, 1966. The lunatic fringe on the Republikkklan side (the “base” audience?) continues to be the best friend of the Demos. I guarantee you Barack calls Biden daily and says, “Yo, Joe, turn on the TV and see what those dopes have done today.” Sadly, given the pile of feces Obama inherited from the previous, ahem, administration, gun issues might be the 144th priority on his plate. Of course, the gang at Fox “News” will find a way to bl
Another prime example of why there needs to be some form of gun control. Most of the real crazies seem to legally own one. Perhaps a mental examination should be mandatory when issuing a license to own. I bet this loser would never have gotten a license if his mental state had been evaluated. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
Score another one for the right wing. That guy that killed all the “liberals” in the church last year was afraid of liberals, they were going to take his rights away, just like this nut. I truly believe that comedians like bill oreilly, limpballs and savage only appeal to a certain mentality, IQ in the double digits type people.