I remember it well because I worked at Gulf Oil then on the 28th floor of that building - one floor below where the bomb was planted.
It went off in the evening, thankfully, after most workers, including me, had gone home. And thankfully, no one was hurt or killed.
My boss was there though. He was a chemical engineer who was from Toronto but assigned to the Pittsburgh office. He did not move his family to Pittsburgh and had just that day come back to Pittsburgh from a visit home. He came directly to the office from the airport to catch up on mail when the bomb went off.
He was questioned as a witness by the FBI. Dr. D did have a dry way of putting things. He was quoted in the Pittsburgh papers as saying that "he thought the bomb was no more powerful than some of the chem class experiments that went off accidentally in college."
Ayers and Dohrn are terrorists who got a pass. Your boss was lucky. I pray justice is finally done.