Is your “crud” as hard to beat as mine?
This cough just knocks me to my knees at times! I want
‘scuse me!
At the height of it, I’d wake myself up trying to take in enough air to get a good cough out without choking and barely making it.
Mine started on Saturday the 29th and peaked - oh, this weekend - no, maybe Friday...
My cough now is still productive, but I’m not choking or hacking up half my lung. I know, it’s gross, but that’s what was happening. I’ve gone through a lot of Nyquil, Dayquil, Mucinex, Robitussin, Hall’s menthol cough drops, Tylenol, and Zicam. I don’t think the Zicam helped, which is why I’m sure this wasn’t a cold. Bronchitis or flu, but not a cold.