Lists of Banned Books, 1932-1939
Guidelines from Die Bücherei 2:6 (1935), p. 279
6. Writings of a philosophical and social nature whose content deals with the false scientific enlightenment of primitive Darwinism and Monism (Häckel).
Der Fuhrer sez:
"The advantages of a personal and political nature that might arise from compromising with atheistic organizations would not outweigh the consequences which would become apparent in the destruction of general moral basic values. The national Government regards the two Christian confessions as the weightiest factors for the maintenance of our nationality."
-A. Hitler, Speech to the Reichstag, March 23, 1933
I’m no expert on history, but what I can tell from the time lines and common sense, what Hitler was saying in 1935 may have been a bit on the “political correct” side of the infamous man we now know him for.