Be careful what you wish for. You may not like it the other way around, with local groups being forced to do what the NATIONAL GOP says to do.
As I ponder your comment, let me relate a story. I live in Delaware, a schizophrenic state if ever there was one. I got an email from the state GOP, proudly stating that Joe Blow from the Wilmington city council would becoming a Republican within the week.
So proud they were!!! Joe Blow said, for a comment, that he would "always be a Democrat" and right there I blew a gasket. The pubs were so PROUD to have recruited an admitted forever Democrat to their ranks, I guess for the better offices, suntans and fine head hairs of my earlier post. I was furious and resigned from the Delaware GOP toot de sweet.
So why should the national GOP, with money ostensibly from Texas, Oklahoma and elsewhere across the fruited plains, give one damn dime toward Joe Blow's election for Governor of Delaware, which is going to happen somewhere down the road, count on it. Or Senator? Or wherever else his ambitions lead him as this is why the defection, figure it out.
So I dunno, I'm not buying that the national GOP should support the local yokels but maybe there's things I haven't thought of. I do think Spector has done peed upon our feet whilst telling us it's raining one too many times, and those two Maine twits really rile, and the base is paying close attention to how this will be handled.
I welcome more thoughts from the forum.