No! That's preaching to the converted, which is a waste of time. We need to reach those who did vote for Obama, so they won't vote for him again.
Look, we all have friends and relatives who voted for B. Hussein. They are the ones who hold the key. As the new administration continues to show its true colors, it is up to us to help the hoodwinked to see the light. The MSM have their resources to run interference for Obama, but grass roots vigilance, assisted by the internet, can squash the MSM and help to get America back on track. It really IS up to us!
The reason why I said the choir first is because we've been dismissed as a handful of right-wing nutjobs -- by the media, by lawmakers, and even by the courts. I want Obama supporters and the media to see a lot of p*ssed-off people -- especially friends and family members -- marching by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in Washington.