Cool Picture. Thanks for posting the link. I didn’t even know there was a visible end to a rainbow like it shows in the picture.
So who stole the pot of gold?
Actually an interesting photo. Seems to splash off the pavement.
I told you God thinks the whole global warming bit is just imaginative human folly. I see at the end of God’s rainbow is not a pot of gold, but an SUV in the OC. Look ALGORE if you believed in God, he’s tellin’ ya somethin’. Try listening you blow hard, super egocentric maniac.
I saw an interesting rainbow in Iceland..from the start to the other end..and did I have my camera? NO we were on our way back from the hospital...this kind of rainbow is so special. Thanks for sharing.
The End
Earl Grant
At the end of a rainbow, you’ll find a pot of gold
At the end of a story, you’ll find it’s all been told
But our love has a treasure our hearts always spend
And it has a story without any end
At the end of a river, the water stops its flow
At the end of a highway, there’s no place you can go
But just tell me you love and you are only mine
And our love will go on ‘til the end of time
It’s screaming photoshop. I don’t care what the caption says.
Just go this crude message from “BlueDragon”
“youre an asshole”
Does anyone who this guy is?
No pot of gold at the end of that rainbow? Damn!
Now that is just awesome cool! Thanks for posting.