I managed about 5 minutes of Hannity today. He had a golden opportunity to take advantage of a caller who identified herself as a resident of South Central. She was not at all happy about Maobama's election nor about the communards running WalMart with its employment and low price opportunities out of neighborhoods that need a store like that. Hannity had to ask her to repeat what she had said at one point because he was, "watching the t.v. screen." This isn't off topic, it has everything to do with the topic. If alleged conservative hosts can't take advantage of golden opportunities as well as suck up to RINOs, they're not doing their jobs. Hannity, IMO, is the worst on both counts.
As far as I’m concerned, these RINOs are like the proverbial scorpion that stings the duck that gives it a ride across the river - that is, it’s their treasonous nature.
No, IMO, the real problem is the GOP itself. If Mr. Steele doesn’t reform the Party with severe measure signalling REAL seachange, there will be no support at the polls to free them from the morass they find themselves in today.
Mr. Steele, remove support from the traitors and make the point publically. If you do not, you may as well merge with the RAT party. Conservatives are going to find/create a party in whom they can trust and abide.
What image?
That of professing being something that one isn't for personal gain and being deceitful at the cost of a Constitution?
There is no rehabilitation available to correct the wrongs promoted by these three.
Their biggest crime is toting the label of a "conservative" party and abusing it, not collecting pieces of silver.
By the way, I will never, ever contribute to a democrap so we part ways there.
They are three little pigs who voted for pork. That's my image.
It’s only 30 pieces of silver — don’t give them credit for more than they deserve.
Declare them useless eaters and plant them.
The will “convert” to the Democrats if they are smart (questionable at this writing).
I second your emotion.
BTW...the election for a successor to Gilibrand is March 31. The Repub. is Joe Tedisco. I can’t give much, but I’ll give him something, it’ll be great if many of us could give him a little something, especially Freepers form NY State.
They need to be followed where ever they go by a crowd chanting “Traitor” and “You betrayed my children”. I mean where ever they go, DC or home. They need to be followed through the airport, they need to be met when their plane arrives in Maine or PA. They need to know that we’re not going to let them get away with it this time.
Larry, Snowe and Curley should be thrown out of the party. If it’s a party, it should stand for something.
I am writing a stinging letter to Steele and enclosing a nice size check for a contribution, but with a big VOID across the front and informing him that WHEN something is done to sanction those 3, I will send him another check he can cash.
I also will contribute to ANYONE who runs against Specter--even if it is the most liberal Democrat ever.
I sent this email tonight to both of Maine’s Senators:
I have gone to the web to search out anything and everything that is made or sold in Maine to make absolutely certain that I don’t send one single of my dollars to your socialist state. I am spreading the word to other like-minded individuals as well to totally boycott your state. The people who elected you do not deserve my support, and they will not get my $’s! I will, however, work very hard to make sure you are replaced in the next election, even if it is by a registered Democrat or Socialist. I resent you wearing an (R) when you certainly are NOT a Republican. If either of you had any integrity whatsoever, you would either proudly wear the (D) that is your true colors, or resign in disgrace. But I’m not holding my breath waiting for honor from y’all.
Sorry wrong response to wrong thread.
I read in the WSJ that the GOP was purposely not disciplining the three turncoats because the Democrats would then turn them into real heros, standing up against their party for what they believe in. It wouldn’t have changed their minds, any more than they could change that idiot from Vt from switching parties.
I’m just as angry as you are, but there is nothing we can do about it, not until the next election, that is.
The one thing that we could do is start a ridicule campaign.
Got this back:
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I wonder if her mailbox is already full of “fanmail”???
No money to the GOP until they kick these three out. They are not Republicans. They rarely vote with us. Let them drain the Dems money for reelection.