I wonder though whether the Obama mop up team also has connived to expurgate those records somehow. His records in New York seem to have been defaced, right down to statements made about him in campus publications, razored out of library archives.
In any event, it is time to hire several professional skip tracers, as Obama likely already has in his endeavor to disappear his true history , to work all ends of the Obama creation.
These many cases will prove interesting, especially if they collaborate on resources and material, then eventually one will achieve enough probative evidence to be heard.
Obama was , it seems, created out of whole cloth, baptized at Galilee, and empowered by the Saints at DNC to walk on water with Soros leading the way.
Another mystery is the 500 billion $ electronic transfer run on the banks last fall, some say used to panic Bush into the merciful hands of Bernecke. One wonders how Soros might have managed it. That marked the turning point in the election cycle.
These events are the wages of fascism, and the crisis, the creation of a fictional iconographic candidate, echo the work of the 3rd Reich in Europe to dupe Germans into a National Socialist Republic.
This is the ultimate Grift.
Give me a year (I know, yeah right) and I can help. By then I hope to have my Criminal Justice degree and can legally investigate more powerfully than I can now.
Obama has no rules and doesn’t play straight — never did.
Alinsky 101.
Hi Beckwith. I agree that the Occidental College records would be useful.
I wonder though whether the Obama mop up team also has connived to expurgate those records somehow. His records in New York seem to have been defaced, right down to statements made about him in campus publications, razored out of library archives.
In any event, it is time to hire several professional skip tracers, as Obama likely already has in his endeavor to disappear his true history , to work all ends of the Obama creation.
These many cases will prove interesting, especially if they collaborate on resources and material, then eventually one will achieve enough probative evidence to be heard.
Obama was , it seems, created out of whole cloth, baptized at Galilee, and empowered by the Saints at DNC to walk on water with Soros leading the way.
Another mystery is the 500 billion $ electronic transfer run on the banks last fall, some say used to panic Bush into the merciful hands of Bernecke. One wonders how Soros might have managed it. That marked the turning point in the election cycle.
These events are the wages of fascism, and the crisis, the creation of a fictional iconographic candidate, echo the work of the 3rd Reich in Europe to dupe Germans into a National Socialist Republic.
This is the ultimate Grift.
Candor7, this is an EXCELLENT post and worthy of a repeat.