You just contradicted yourself. We do not know how life formed. But there is a very clear geological record of a progression from primitive, simple life to more complex life.
“very clear geological record of a progression from primitive, simple life to more complex life”
No there is not! There is a bunch of strata in which a bunch of dead creatures were clearly sorted according to density & a few other factors (such as birds being on top because they would naturally be the last to get caught by a cataclysmic water event) by a massive water action, and a theory which ludicrously orders these animals in a timescale like deepest = oldest. There is a system in which fossils are dated by the rocks in which they are found, and rocks which are dated by the fossils that are found in them.
And all through the dead things we find, we find clear, delineated KINDS of animal! NEVER do we see changes from one type to another type.
And contradictions ABOUND in the evolution theory. How do you evolve a blow hole, for example? Breathing is either yes, or no. If no, the animal dies.
The theory is DEAD IN THE WATER. Even many pro-evolutionists are admitting it now. The most honest ones will tell you they only believe in it because they don’t want to believe in God.