That is very very clever.
the only small sliver of peace I have with this is that I believe that Obama Sr is not his father - doesn’t look anything like him.. ..a U.S. citizen is probably his in the end..he would be eligible for President..even if all the paperwork said otherwise. Funny how DNA would make all the difference in the world for the leader of our country.
And perhaps this is what the CIA knows. I have no doubt that there are some hefty files in the CIA/FBI on his grandfather.
Are you saying his grandfather is really is father? If so, where did he turn out the ‘black’ from?
That is the only logical and realistic explanaion.
Regardless of whose name she put on the BC, when or where he was born, his biological father was SOME back American male.
Although it may or may not have been a well known black icon, it certainly wasn’t the Kenyan.
He recieved ONLY his exotic name from him.
This explains Senior’s relationship to the son, who wasnt.
This explains Barry’s attitude towards the Kenyan family (purely opportunistic.)
This explains why no one in authority has pursued the issue.