They have no intention of “getting over it” and declaring their grievances over.
This is pretty typical, they intend to extract vengeance, and must keep past grievances alive in order to justify the acts of vengeance.
The talking point in 2008 was that black people had been “held back” and that with the election of Barack Obama, NOW a black man could become president. NOW the black community could “do something” that they were being held back from doing.
Except no one was holding them back. It was crooked and bigoted “community organizers” who used their powers of publicity to indoctrinate the black community with the racist notion that they “could not” do things. And these sheeple then indoctrinated this talking point into their children. Rather than telling them “anything is possible” and that you are only limited in your success by what you strive to achieve.
I thought they already did that in reconstruction, one of the most de-constructive periods of our country. They used to call it “waving the bloody shirt.” Maybe the real motivation should be viewed from that perspective.