I have a ‘95 Jetta that gets 32mpg. How can I upgrade from there? The new Jetta’s only get 35mpg, I think.
You sell you ‘95 Jetta on eBay or Craigslist, take some of the money and go buy a 88 Oldsmobile anything, trade it in along with the money that you got for your 95 on a NEW Jetta AND for $4500 voucher........
>> I have a 95 Jetta that gets 32mpg. How can I upgrade from there?
Sorry, pal. Obama ‘n Nancy drew a circle around us gas-guzzlers that shut YOU out. Sucks to be environmentally responsible, don’t it?
I’ll bet you’re all caught up on your mortgage, too, so there goes that windfall.
You poor chump. The only benefits you’ll get from all that personal accountability is being able to hold your head up high, respect yourself, and sleep at night. No gubmint money 4U, though.