Misdirection when confronted...
The Ayers issue is a good example, but there were several others where the first response had a vagueness to it and when someone persisted asking questions the lies became blatant falsehoods, like the issue of Rev Wright.
The Obamanoid posters are using the same technique, it is straight out of rules for radicals, the Alinsky methodology which encourages lying in growing degrees of falsehood using misdirection when confronted but returning to the same lies to repeat over and over. The operative has no regard for truth but plays the game of trying to pretend they are holding you to being truthful or respectful. They don;t deserve respect, not at Freerepublic.com. Many of them have active accounts at DU and Huff'iPuff where they get laughs out of posts they drag over to DU for 'discussion'.
The 'I'm not attacking you personally so stop calling me names' whine is a typical liberal ploy. Freerepublic is infested with liberal trolls of late, some of whom have been sleepers for years only doing 'their thing' at election times. Ya can't blasme Jim for not being able to keep up with all the issues at FR, but this is getting a bit too blatant.