All of this is based on one thing.
Being eaten last by the crocodile. All these people who say bad things about Israel and America could care less. When the poops hits the fan, they will pack up their lovely park avenue apartments and go to Aspen or Switzerland or wherever they can get away from the Proletariat.
It is about haves and have nots. The ones in the middle get wiped out, become the have nots and the haves feel that they need to help us by giving us scraps. We are supposed to be grateful and rely on the government whom they support because their representatives block legislation that will stop them from stealing.
When the horse is out of the barn, they blame the opposition then put in more laws to further take away our freedom.
If it wasn’t for the second amendment we would have already been converted to a Marxist society.
someone told me that they did a questionnaire in the muslim countries
question 1 was
which country do you hate the most
Israel and America
If you could leave here and live in another country so as to live a prosperous life where would it be
it just shows how dumb these people are.
I just wish they would pick another country like Madagascar