Rush is not “wrong” by not bringing up the Birth Certificate issue. He is a radio talk show host, NOT a member of the media...his job is to offer commentary, not to break news stories. If he deems it is a topic he doesn’t want to discuss, that is perfectly within his discretion.
Why don’t you guys try to call in to his show? Maybe that would be a way to attract attention. Just remember, though, Rush, Ann Coulter, et. al. do not have an obligation to report, investigate or publicize any issue. They are commentators, not reporters, and their main objective is to offer entertainment and commentary, and yes, make a profit.
Complaining about not getting the coverage you want though, without taking proactive steps toward getting that coverage isn’t going to accomplish anything, however. None of us know Rush, nor are we program directors for him. We do not have the ability to remedy the “blackout” if we wanted to.
A radio show host has call screeners — that’s what they do: screen calls. They weed out those callers with topics the host does not want to discuss. So for you to suggest “Why dont you guys try to call in to his show? Maybe that would be a way to attract attention,” tells me you really don’t get it.
Rush has an obligation to discuss whatever poses harm to the Constitution. To omit certain topics is to be as selective as the news media is. The fact that he won’t talk about this suggests maybe HE got a phone call... he knows which side of the toast his warm butter is on.
Sins of omission are as bad as sins of commission. Much as I hate to burst your bubble, even Rush has feet of clay.
I’m amazed at the narrow mindedness I’m finding among some of you when the BC issue is brought up. For goodness sakes, take off your Rush blinders and at least consider the possibility — then go do some reading about it. You might find out there’s something to this.