When did Warren endorse Obama?
What makes you think he needed to endorse Bama?
Of all the preachers/priests this nation has to offer how did it come to be that Bama selected Warren to be his lead preacher in prayer? Was no accident.
I did a bit of inquiring during Clintons administration, to some of my Baptist 'friends' how could it be Clinton's approval ratings always stayed around 66%. Well the responses were always using the words Billy Graham used when he fawned over how old Bill was so charismatically gifted and if he wanted he would have made a wonderful preacher.
Then somewhere in the midst of the Clintons out comes Warren's book and these friends invited me to do their 40 day/week book exercise. And then last year I hear that Hillary was the one, and when she did not make the cut they were off to the races to help Bama get elected. Now they were getting this direction from somebody someplace.