The Gaystapo in full view. Charming. However, Scipture is quite clear that hard times are coming for the faithful. The reward, though, will be well worth the effort.
I think it’s past time for the people of California to recall Jerry Brown, who refuses to do his job and uphold the will of the people by defending Prop 8’s passage. Time this leftist freak was sent off to a retirement home.
Time for all businesses to consider moving out of the State of California. Let them figure out how to survive. I’m seriously considering moving my family and business out.
The Articel said: “A Houston lawyer “who brazenly identified himself,” wrote, “You are very much being watched! All you jeebus-lovin-christers rights will slowly be taken away one by one the more you try to press your beliefs down our throats.”
This is, if true, a direct violation of federal law. Why is this SOB lawyer not in jail having what he wants:
I would welcome the opportunity to defend myself against these thugs but, unfortunately, that would be considered illegal.
The people who receive these hate filled missives should start making them public, naming the person who sent them, if they had the courage enough to attach their names to such bile. This will only cement, in the minds of the voters, that they DID make the right decision in supporting Prop. 8.
There are more of us than there are of them. Far, far more.
Now, whether we actually do something to fight back, well...that’s another question entirely.
What about Fudge packing stores?
Press our beliefs down their throats? And voiding the expressed will of the voters is Well, the answer is obvious. Rights are for Liberals and no one else.
Peaceful, tolerant fags on the rampage.
“Feeling the hate of Prop 8”
Yea, they are right. The gays/lesbians hate anybody that don’t agree with them.
That sort of behavior has gotten cities destroyed in the past.
Yeah, homosexuals just want equal rights.
My, my... things haven’t changed much since the Genesis 19 account... when the ancient Gaymafia stormed the gates of Lot’s house to rape the visitors. What came next, when Lot was told to leave the city, is what we may be able to expect next? Just sayin’.
the behavior and tactics of the gay community ensures I will never support any part of their agenda. They have shown their true colors. With respect to their violence and intimidation, bring it on. I’m happy to respond.
If there was ever a hate crime; this is it. These are actual threats.
That sort of behavior has gotten cities destroyed in the past.
the homosexual militants are kinda turning into the same kind of mob as the Sodom and Gomaarh-ites who tried to break down Lot’s door to rape the two male strangers (angels sent to look for good men) who had taken refuge in his house
We know how THAT story ended
I am so sick of the subliminal message running through all of this...that “hate” and “bigotry” and “intolerance” are equal to disapproval, disagreement and opposition.
A person can disagree about an issue, disapprove of behavior and oppose certain laws. That is not hate, bigotry or intolerance. This is their argument, and in making it they demonstrate the very hate, bigotry and intolerance they claim is being inflicted on them. The hypocrisy is astonishing.
I can understand how they think this way...they are in an era where no one is allowed to fail, everyone is special and deserves to have their every whim met at no cost to themselves. Therefore, like any spoiled brat who is finally told ‘no’, they complain that someone is being ‘mean’ to them. Well, I’m more than happy to be one of the people saying ‘No’. Not just no, but ‘Hell, NO!”
The Gaystapo PC thugs in action.