You said — “The idea that Obama does not have a legal obligation to prove he meets the constitutional requirements simply because he says he has or he offers a certificate of birth that only proves he was born but doesn’t specify where is silly.”
On the contrary — from what I see, it says born in the city of Honolulu, on the island of Oahu, in the county of Honolulu. That’s right on the document itself.
Apparently someone has fed you some wrong information...
Then — “The secretaries of state are required to certify elections not only in regard as to how the election transpired but the eligibility of the candidates involved. Simply doing nothing is a political decision, not a legal one.”
That’s why it’s time to close up the loophole in the state laws and require proof...
And then you said — “For instance if he was ever held Indonesian citizenship at any time in his life he must have lost U.S citizenship because Indonesia doesn’t allow for dual citizenship. If he is considered a British subject by virtue of birth in Kenya (Zanzibar) he can’t be president because he’s British, not American.”
You’ll still be saying that after Obama is writing his memoirs and has his Presidential Library built...
And once again you assert — “But, instead, he produces a cerificate of birth from the State of Hawaii that proves he was born, some place and sometime, but not necessarily in Hawaii. If he could prove it he would have by now.”
That’s where you’re wrong. It specifically states he was born in Hawaii — from that document that the State of Hawaii issued. Someone has told you wrong information. I’ve seen the document that Obama says is his.
And then — “It’s clear he can’t so he’s relying on the gutlessness of our court system to see that he becomes president, all under the threat of riots and constitutional crisis if he’s not installed into the White House.”
There would be riots if someone was convicted without proof — and especially when the candidate has provided proof from a document from the State of Hawaii. It’s still the “system” here in these United States that a person is innocent until proven guilty (by due process).
When you provide evidence and due process, then I’ll know that he’s guilty. Let me know when this happens...
Just in case anyone hasn’t seen this analysis done by the St. Petersburg Times back in June which includes a confirmation of the authenticity of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth by Janice Okubo, Director of Communications for the Hawaii Health Department:
Without going into all the arguments regarding borders and fonts it does seem odd that Obama's father's race is listed as "African" yet his mother's is listed as "Caucasian". Also, there's no hospital listed--and no hospital in Honolulu has a record of Obama's birth--and no official seal or embossing. But if this is proof enough for you, so be it.