If I was Rahm Emmanuel I’d be whispering in Obama’s ear that this would be the perfect opportunity to proactively demonstrate presidential ‘nads and not wait for the world’s bullies to “test him.”
The Somali pirates do not have state sponsorship, nor do they have a dedicated cheering section in the international leftist peanut gallery. Just about every country on earth (including the Iranians, Russians, Chinese, etc. who have also been massively inconvenienced by them) would be pleased to see them get a good thumping.
Never mind seeking UN blessing, just do it—like Our Bill “did” the Serbians in ‘99—without asking anyone’s permission, a democrat president can get away with that, after all.
The Chinese would call this “killing the chicken to scare the monkeys”.
Following that up with a single JDAM on Robert Mugabe’s villa would be another low-cost, low-risk way of proving his macho to the lowlifes that the Big “O” is no “kick me” sign-wearing Jimmah. Again, with the world’s tacit approval.
Not a sermon, just a thought...
Hell, it’s a pretty damn good sermon! It would do all the thing you say, I believe, and buy us some time before the rest of the world might come screwing with us while this inexperienced staged president-alleged might get some clue about the real world.
Wouldn’t take too much, some C-130 Hercules, say about a half dozen, flying hourly missions, 2 flights per day for each of the gunships, throw in a few reapers/predators for some intel, and the idiots would cave right quick.