Its right and proper to go after the pirates. Its a mistake to ask the UN for permission.
We didn’t elect them. We don’t owe them even a tip of our hat.
thank you!
we owe the U.N. nothing but the middle finger.
>>>Its right and proper to go after the pirates. Its a mistake to ask the UN for permission.
We didnt elect them. We dont owe them even a tip of our hat.<<
What concerns me is the possibility of mission creep to include nation building in Somalia.
I agree. Screw the UN. Some of the reps there may be getting pay-offs on this whole thing anyway. No funtioning government anyway. Just go in unilaterally. Level the two towns there where they gather, sink all the vessels, don’t come out of there with any captives. Leave them dead where they lay. Use as few troops as possible. Why risk our guys when we can kill so many of them from the damn air?