I can answer that, in re Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin too — there is another factor. Intelligence and learning. Those asking that Obama, or even McCain, be verified in this basic constitutional requirement are more intelligent and learned that average. Far more learned, and much more intelligent. That is why neither Rush nor Levin have been mocking on this issue. Those two, in the pundit class, stand at a level above so many.
I have a feeling, Rush L, Mark L., Shawn H. Matt D,and many other high profile pundits are keeping a very close eye on this even if they are not commenting. People keep saying this will be blown off. I think there will be SOME kind of closure, it may not be what we want, but you would think it would have to be addressed in some fashion before the swearing in...and fortunately, we still have a little time. The snowball is gaining speed, howbeit ever so slow.
P.S. I’ve gotten seven people to sign the petition for all the good that will do.