Well, I’m sure that I did not exhibit a very reasoned edge when this thread first began. I have grown weary of the many Shinseki POS and Rummy Rocks posts over the years. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinions on these two men, but those opinions carry more weight when they are formed by some basic knowledge of the issues involved. I have no use for Mr. Rumsfeld, but thought Shinseki did a pretty good job as CSA. His political ambitions are another matter.
I have found the basic knowledge for issues such as this is usually tissue paper thin. I was on the ground floor of Stryker inception so really enjoy all the "knowledgeable" comments that appear here and on other boards. I don't remember seeing any of these experts looking over my shoulder as I sat in a vault entering the test data. When we presented the data to the decision makers in the form of a decision matrix I didn't see any there either.