I beg to differ.
Tchaikovsky, the Hubble telescope, and the microchip provide things of such grandeur that it's hard for me to believe that people once got excited over a burning bush or parlor tricks with wine and water.
If heat death occurs before we've found a way to colonize outside of the universe, then I hope we will have left a good mark on history. I don't need a pedagogical fairy tale to give me hope.
If some Sunday-School teacher had invented "pedagogical fairy tales" to chide and guide her kiddies, she would not have invented anything so quirky and strange as a draconian king who would let none buy nor sell on all the earth unless they had his number inscribed on their and and forehead, nor a nameless "I AM" who cares to set the Pharaonic slave-class free.
She would be more likely, I think, spin tales of dragons who are innocent but different, and need only to be understood; and an evolving Little Eukaryote that Could.
Damn typsos...