You are right about the Supreme Court needing to hear this. The First AMendment does NOT demand objective demands the rights of a FREE press, hence Rush and others (even liberals) can not be censored.
The terms "liberal" and "objective journalist" are Newspeak. American "Liberals" are not liberal as the word was defined everywhere, before the 1920s, and everywhere else but in the USA, as recently as a decade ago. As my daughter remarked from personal experience in Venezuela about ten years ago.The actions of the FCC under Obama, if as indicated, will lead to censorship...we see that in fact it did so. Tying the whole mess to McCain Feingold is brilliant and should be done immediately. When the liberal justices start to retire, were sunk
Actually, that's not a problem, it's a lost opportunity. Justice Kennedy may be half a loaf, but he is better than no bread at all - and as long as he and Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Alito sit and can stand the heat the Obama Administration and the AP will subject them to, Kennedy's decisions will be SCOTUS' decisions.Lose even one of them, and it will be an entirely different ball game. But it would have been so good to have been able to replace one of the "liberals" with another Alito/Roberts . . .
“The terms “liberal” and “objective journalist” are Newspeak. American “Liberals” are not liberal as the word was defined everywhere, before the 1920s”
that is why I call them
plus the added bene of it being a double entendre.
Only the smart ones will ‘get-it’