“If McCain was born on a military installation in another country, he IS an American Citizen.”
“He wasn’t. He was born off base. None-the-less he is still an American Citizen.
Whether he’s a Natural Born Citizen is, as of yet, undefined.”
My understanding is that a natural born U.S. citizen means born on U.S. soil. McCain born in Panama of to U.S.citizens means McCain is a U.S. citizen but not a “natural born” U.S. citizen.
“My understanding is that a natural born U.S. citizen means born on U.S. soil. McCain born in Panama of to U.S.citizens means McCain is a U.S. citizen but not a natural born U.S. citizen.”
Our system of laws is rooted in English Common Law. And the Founding Fathers followed it, unless there was an explicit deviation. Their concept of original intent devolved from it. They took the BEST of English Common Law and threw out the crap.
The definition of natural born citizen was NOT thrown out.
Per Blackstone in his Commentaries On English Common Law, a person born overseas to 2 natural born citizens who were in service to the Crown was a natural born citizen (Blackstone, Book 1. Chapter 10). You can look it up ...
BTW: SCOTUS commonly refers to Blackstone when deciding cases with historical roots.