“Heres the thing: If SCOTUS decides to take the case, and Obama isnt natural born, then theyll have to rule against him. If they didnt they are the laughing stock of the legal world because its so fundamental. It would be a very difficult thing to take this case but it is worthy of their attention. If Obama is declared ineligible, there would be riots and there would be outrage, no doubt. On the other hand, they can refuse to take the case and not have to worry about violent repurcussions. Of course, this shirks their duty to protect the Constitution on the highest level. But this road would be easier for them.”
I just find it hard to believe that Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, and Chief Justice Roberts would spit on our US Constitution and say, “Let’s give Marxism a try!”
Hopefully the judges will do the right thing. Seems like a lot of Americans are willing to give anything but democracy a try.
Precisely! Did you send a letter to each Justice and remind them on the gravity of ignoring this “problem”? WHen I called the clerk office the young woman suggested that a letter got their attention the best.
Here is the address and names :
United States Supreme Court
1 First Street NE Washington DC 20543
The Supreme Court Justices are as follows:
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
Supreme Court Justice John Stevens
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy
Supreme Court Justice David Souter
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
Supreme Court Justice Samual Alito
The California action was filed by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation on behalf of Alan Keyes, the presidential candidate of the American Independent Party, along with Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson, both California electors.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Has anyone seen the court documents that have been filed in this case? The question is to the actual filing date and to the period of time that the State of Ca. has (remaining) to respond to the case, and more specifically, what is the last day of eligibility for the State of Ca. to respond?
From the foxhole; trying to keep the thread alive and topical.
If the Supreme Court doesn’t stop him though, he’ll appoint far left judges and the citizenship requirement will never be heeded.
I know one thing. If any Supreme Court judge rules in favor of Obama, history will show how little that judge really cared for the Constitution and its most basic, rudimentary and fundamental principles.
They have a tough job ahead of them. Since Obama's past is shrouded in mystery, it would be a vitally important service to this country if the justices can clear away the secrecy of his originations. He's very disrespectful of our constitutional system even though it allowed him to go so far. His friends deride it also. As guardians of our system of government, I hope with all the hope I have in me that they will force Obama to abide by the Constitution.