SF still had a minor GOP presence into the ‘70s (half the city had a moderate GOP Congressman, Bill Mailliard, until 1974), and even early ‘80s, but they went ultraleft fast and viscerally reacted against center-right politics under Reagan. By the late ‘80s, the party presence there was dead. One big reason is that the city just isn’t family-friendly, indeed, it is either the #1 or one of the top Congressional districts devoid of children with two-parent households. It used to be a good indication of how Republican or Democrat a district would vote based upon that measure, with fewer children and two-parent households being more Dem. Most of those aforementioned families cleared out by the ‘70s and ‘80s.
“It used to be a good indication of how Republican or Democrat a district would vote based upon that measure, with fewer children and two-parent households being more Dem.”
Excluding non-white seats of course. Everybody in my ratastic area has kids.