Ummm... last time I checked, they did:
Walter Block: Barr-Root ticket LESS libertarian than Sarah Palin
So it seems the kool-aid drinkers voted turd party anyway, EVEN when the Republican candidate had a BETTER track record on their issues than the Libertarian nominee.
Screw Barr voters and the horse they road in on. If they want to vote for someone who cheers on Obama, snubs their icon Ron Paul, and worships the cult of gorebull warming, they should just join the RAT party and get it over with.
Good point. But there was also Chuck Baldwin. Anyway, my point is that the GOP should cut the blame game stuff. For the past 40 years the Federal government has grown just as much, if not more, under Republican presidents than Democrat presidents. That’s a disgrace. Sarah Palin was a good move, but apparently too late in the game. Next time, let’s hope we have a conservative at the top of the ticket (Mark Sanford, for example, being one of my favorites).