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Comin' soon to the new, newly beloved 0-Merica?


Shadow World: Resurgent Russia, The Global New Left, and Radical Islam

No worries, Mate- we'll just talk 'em to death...
Mumbai Attacks: The Terrorists' Tactics (ghazwa & tabarr...
As India burns, radical Islamists may be changing their tactics to inspire home-grown jihadists

The Army of Muhammad is back. This was the message buzzing in radical Islamist circles yesterday as the world tried to absorb the shock of the terrorist attacks in Bombay, India's economic capital.
(Amir Taheri in The Telegraph, November 28, 2008)

Insanity Alert-- Mumbai Muslim Terrorists Tell Media: "Stop Hating Us"

Mumbai Muslim Terrorists Tell Media: "Stop Hating Us"
Excuse me?
You just shot up the train station, drove through town and shot up people at bus stops, blew up bombs in hotels and restaurants, took hostages and killed 150 innocent people and you are asking people to "stop hating us?"
That's insane.

The Mumbai terror email that was sent by Deccan MujahideenHyd to the Indian media was traced to a Russian IP address:

The Herald Sun reported, via Free Republic:

THE terror group that ruthlessly struck at Mumbai's heart has demanded an end to persecution of Muslims and the release of militants from prison...

Deccan Mujahedeen, which said it was responsible for the Mumbai assault on Wednesday night, takes its title from the Deccan plateau that covers much of south India.

The outfit sent emails to local media saying it carried out the attacks.

One of the gunmen holed up in the Trident hotel told the India TV channel by phone on Thursday that the little-known terror outfit wanted an end to the persecution of Indian Muslims and the release of all fellow Islamic militants detained in India.

"Muslims in India should not be persecuted. We love this as our country but when our mothers and sisters were being killed, where was everybody?" he said from inside the hotel, which was surrounded by army commandos.

A similarly shadowy group calling itself the Indian Mujahedeen claimed responsibility for serial blasts in Delhi in September, which killed 20 people, and bombings in the western city of Ahmedabad in July when 45 died.

Another group, the Islamic Security Force-Indian Mujahedeen, said it was behind explosions last month in India's north-east state of Assam that killed 80.
** There are also reports that the weapons were stashed before the attacks.

Mumbai Under Terror Attack!... At least 80 Dead-- Hostages Taken! (Live Firing Video!)
Deepak Chopra Blames Washington For Mumbai Terrorist Attacks
Video Captures Mumbai Terrorist Killing
MUMBAI MASSACRE-- Up To 7 Terrorists Were Brits!... Over 160 Dead
British Hate Preacher Choudary Gloats Over Mumbai Terror Attacks

Mumbai massacre, day three: Two Americans, five Jewish hostages dead

Nov 28, 2008 2:30 PM by Allahpundit

The standoff at the Jewish center ends predictably, with the rabbi and his wife — both from New York — gunned down. Two other Americans, a father and his 13-year-old daughter visiting on a meditational retreat, were also killed; no word yet on whether they were hit by crossfire or singled out and executed. I’ve heard total death tolls as high as 160 but there’s more to come: Unbelievably, the Hotel Taj still isn’t secure, with one room now controlled by the military having yielded as many as 12 bodies.

What’s it like inside? The Telegraph sets an ominous scene, especially in light of the point raised yesterday about Indian security being infamous for shooting haphazardly in close combat:

The commander said his men had had to literally feel their way through the hotel corridors and rooms in complete darkness.

The black-clad commando said it had been impossible to differentiate between dead bodies, the injured and people simply pressing themselves to the floor in terror.

“When an exchange of fire takes place in darkness and there are bodies strewn all over and blood all over, you’re actually not looking who is injured or killed,” he said. “You’re just looking for someone with lots of weapons on him.”

Criticism of the army’s already piling up — read the Telegraph for a sample, including an account of how reporters were able to sneak into the lobby of the Trident Hotel while fighting was still going on — but they were outflanked before the shooting began. According to the Times, jihadis checked into “control rooms” at the hotel in advance, presumably to stash weapons and coordinate the attack. Sounds like they knew the terrain cold, too:

“The terrorists were well-informed about the layout of both the Taj Mahal Palace and the Oberoi Trident. It’s absolutely certain that these men had done a survey of the hotel interiors before the strike on Wednesday night,” the Marcos’ commandant said.

The terrorists even knew which room had the closed-circuit television cameras, which would give them a clear view of the alleys and lobbies of the entire Taj, and reached and captured the room before the commandos did. “The terrorists hurled grenades the moment commandos neared the CCTV room and it could not be accessed because of the smoke and fire that followed,” he said.

MSNBC was touting a report from ITN earlier about rooms at the Taj having been wired with explosives. I can’t find a link online, but given the amount of planning it may be that that was also done in advance, in anticipation of the military siege. More from Rediff:

IB sources told that two teams had checked into the hotels four days before the attack, and used the time to stash away ammunition there. During their stay as guests in the hotel they also thoroughly studied its layout. On the day of the attack, an unspecified number of attackers joined them. The IB says in all there were 20 fidayeen who took part in the terror attack that terrorised Mumbai.

It is also said that while a certain number of the terrorists had already entered Mumbai and taken shelter in the two hotels, 12 more persons came into Mumbai through the sea-route. While initially it was suggested that the attackers came in from Karachi, investigators are also probing claims made by fishermen in Kerala that a ship unknown to their parts was sighted. The IB is now probing whether this was the mother ship that brought in the attackers.

Supposedly there was another boat packed with ammunition waiting so they could resupply, but how they were planning to get to that after the fighting started isn’t clear to me. Also unclear is how they managed to stay alert enough for 48 hours to keep shooting and avoid capture. I remember a passage from David Bellavia’s book about fighting the Mahdi Army where he talked about jihadis tweaking before battle to make sure they’d keep going on pure adrenaline even if they were wounded. Maybe there was more than food in those backpacks.

The good-ish news is that consensus is starting to settle on the culprit being Lashkar e-Taiba, a group I mentioned in my first post on this and the prime suspect in the Mumbai bombings two years ago. Indian intel claims that three captured jihadis are members and that one of them’s confessed. If you read only one thing I’ve linked here, make it Roggio’s background piece on LeT and what kind of logistics were needed to pull this off:

In several of those attacks, an Indian Mujahideen operative who calls himself “Arbi Hindi” e-mailed the media to claim responsibility. Arbi Hindi’s real name is Abdul Subhan Qureshi, an Indian national who is believed to be behind many of the recent terror attacks inside India. Qureshi, a computer expert, is beleived to have trained hundreds of recruits to conduct terror attacks in India. He is often called India’s Osama bin Laden.

Indian intelligence believes the Indian Mujahideen is a front group created by the Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Harkat ul Jihad al Islami. The Indian Mujahideen was created to confuse investigators and cover the tracks of the Students’ Islamic Movement of India, or SIMI, a radical Islamist movement, according to Indian intelligence.

The Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Harkat ul Jihad al Islami receive support from Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence to destabilize India and wage war in Kashmir. Both of these terror groups are local al Qaeda affiliates in Pakistan and conduct attacks in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The Indian “occupation” of Kashmir helped spawn these groups.

If you’re wondering why the head of ISI is on his way to India, that last paragraph might offer a clue. One other ominous detail in closing: The Daily Mail claims that at least two and possibly as many as seven jihadis are British-born Pakistanis, and may even be from the same area as the London bombers. Remember, Rashid Rauf, the alleged AQ mastermind of the London airline plot who recently got a special delivery from a U.S. drone, was also British — and according to the Mail, “Security sources believe that at the time of his death Rauf had been planning a major attack on Western targets.” Maybe this was it and they took him out hoping to disrupt the plot or maybe they just got lucky, but having Brits in the mix does add an international flavor that’s unusual for Lashkar as far as I know.

1. Wasn’t stuff like this supposed to stop when Obama was elected? Sort of like when General David Dinkins was elected mayor of NYC and the next day,why, even the air smelled better in NYC!! Same with America after Obama was elected.

2. Why no comment from Obama on what’s happening? Oh, that’s right, he’s fixing the economy right now as he has said in all the press conferences that he’s had the last two weeks as acting President. First things first.

I bet he shittin’ his britches about right now about this and other stuff that the Bush folks are telling him.

India gun control enabled Mumbai massacre

To put it graphically?



What Do You Mean, Terrorists Still Target Americans After We Elected Obama?

We've been told stuff like, "A Barack Obama Presidency Will Restore America's Prestige." We've been told Obama "would begin a presidency with tremendous potential to heal U.S. relations with much of the world."

We've been told all kinds of moronic drivel. And a great deal of it has come in the form of "objective news analysis."

The reality is that everybody who hated us before will still hate us now. The only difference after this election is that those enemies know that we elected an appeasing lightweight whom they think they can push around. Essentially, we decided we wanted a poodle instead of a rottweiler.

ARI KAUFMAN: What The Obama Kids Will Miss Out On At Private School.

The New Stock Market

Obama Citizenship - - Who Decides, and When?

157 posted on 11/28/2008 3:35:15 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Mumbai, Coming to a Town Near you

NYPD Ups Security After Terror Attacks In India

 Mark Steyn: Mumbai Just Another Front
(Mark Steyn in the Orange County Register, November 28, 2008)

Taj Hotel Cleared of (Terrorists) - Mumbai Terror Attack Appears Over After Three Days


SOMETHING DIFFERENT: Bill Roggio on the Mumbai attacks. “The Mumbai attack is something different. Foreign assault teams that likely trained and originated from outside the country infiltrated a major city to conduct multiple attacks on carefully chosen targets. The primary weapon was the gunman, not the suicide bomber. The attack itself has paralyzed a city of 18 million. And two days after the attack began, Indian forces are still working to root out the terror teams.” If lots of ordinary people in the hotels had been armed, it probably wouldn’t have worked as well . . . . (Via Jules Crittenden, who has much more).

UPDATE: Some further analysis. “Since the period of suicide terror, terror organizations have upgraded to include paramilitary fighting units, as opposed to singular acts of terror. . . . The events taking place in Mumbai must act as a warning and turning point in the world’s treatment of the local terror armies that base themselves in various parts of the world, and threaten the world’s stability as a whole.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Related item here.



The Mumbai attacks represent a scenario that few Western police and security forces have dared envision. Fewer still have prepared for it.

The basic strategy: use a large number of attackers to overwhelm a target city’s ability to respond, and then suddenly switch focus to high value targets and seize hostages.

Of course, if significant numbers of citizens were armed, the response would be much harder to overwhelm.

A WHILE BACK I warned to look at Obama’s lower-tier appointments, not just the ones that get a lot of attention. 24Ahead is doing just that.

Y2Kyoto: "Mr. Obama rejected that view"

"... saying that his plan would reduce oil imports, create jobs in energy conservation and renewable sources of energy, and reverse the warming of the atmosphere.
Good times!
Economically speaking, this is total lunacy. But he believes. Nor does he need Congress to act, since the EPA is already dealing with petitions to regulate CO2 as a pollutant. He simply does what he said he would do before the election, which is to regulate CO2 as a HAP. Even farms would have to go through permitting, as would large stores, etc.

Last week an EPA appeals board dumped another coal plant, and said the EPA should develop national rules for CO2 emissions. That ruling is widely believed to have placed about one hundred coal plants in jeopardy, at a time when the US is rapidly running out of electricity. Plants in Utah, New Mexico, Kansas and Georgia have all recently been stopped by legal action.

That leaves the US with no new drilling, no new nuclear plants, no new hydro plants and no new coal plants. In short, it leaves us with no real substantial new energy sources except perhaps plants that burn natural gas.

Posted by Kate at 12:07 AM | Comments (10)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Obama Rehires Jew-Hater Who Wants to Invade Israel

She's ba-ack... Samantha Power is back on The Obama Team:

Click to Enlarge
Obama's anti-Israel advisor is back on the team.
FOX News reported:

State Department officials said Friday that Samantha Power is among foreign policy experts the president-elect's office selected to help the incoming administration prepare for Clinton's anticipated nomination as secretary of state. The Obama transition team's Web site includes Power's name as one of 14 members of the "Agency Review Team" for the State Department. During the Democratic primary campaign, Power called Clinton "a monster" in an interview. She then resigned, calling her remarks inexcusable and contradictory to her admiration for Clinton.
This is the same Samantha Power who accused Israel of human rights violations and suggested that the US SHOULD SEND IN TROOPS TO IMPOSE A SOLUTION ON ISRAEL.

BG reminds us that it looks like Jew-hater Robert Malley is back on the team, too.

Obama's anti-Israel friend and advisor Samantha Power
Monster Mash- Obama's Anti-Israel Aide Samantha Power Resigns
Samantha Power Outs Obama-- Admits He Has No Iraq Strategy... None
Obama Talks With Jewish Voters- Hopes to Squelch Concerns Over His Many Associations With Jew-Haters
Former Obama Advisor Speaks On Destruction of Israel

Chasm dividing Americans over birth certificate widens

A last electoral hurdle for Obama A Web-driven challenge to his legitimacy

Second Stonewall: One gay man's rant on the state of Queer Equality (Hurl-icious!)

It's a madhouse outside the gun shops, too (Barf Alert)

Stop Covering Up And Kill The CRA

News of the Terrorism and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

OBAMA Rehires Adviser Who Called for Invasion of Israel

GLOBAL WARMING CAMPAIGN LOSING STEAM: “There is both growing public reluctance to make personal sacrifices and a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the major international efforts now underway to battle climate change, according to findings of a poll of 12,000 citizens in 11 countries, including Canada.”

Fireplace police on patrol; smoke can draw fineHatred in the Time of Cholera - Zimbabwe collapses as an epidemic sweeps the nation.

Zogby on 2012: Palin leads among Republicans, Romney leads among all voters
During the election run-up, everything I could find to boost Sarah ( she converted my formerly Democrat wife into a SarahBot... ) and slam Duh!1®, I put here:

Sarah Palin- links, from the beginning:

Click the picture:

I continue to update it as information warrants.

158 posted on 11/29/2008 2:28:34 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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