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America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
various links ^ | 11-8-08 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 11/08/2008 3:06:12 AM PST by backhoe

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Obama's "CyberShield" will be reading your email contents

—Purple Avenger

The program is codenamed "Einstein"

The Obama administration lifted the veil Tuesday on a highly-secretive set of policies to defend the U.S. from cyber attacks...

...Homeland program known as Einstein...

...The program is designed to look for indicators of cyber attacks by digging into all Internet communications, including the contents of emails, according to the declassified summary...

DHS? An Obama program called Einstein? What could possibly go wrong?
Posted by Purple Avenger at 11:12 PM New Comments Thingy
11 They told me that if I voted for McCain/Palin, the federal government would be snooping into my private email communications without a warrant...
...and they were right!

Someone needs to track down every liberal who screamed about the Patriot Act and Bush knowing which books we were checking out from the library, and see if they're ready to switch sides now, or were just really full of shit.

40 I assume anything I say over the phone or on the internet is monitored and filed into a nice database for future use, if needed.

The funny thing is the left complete silence about 'shredding the Constitution' now that their boy is in charge.  It is almost like they never really cared and just used the issue as a blunt object to pound the GOP.

79 So Bush wanting to check who's talking to possible terrorists overseas is evil, but Obama wanting to trawl all internet communications is fine?  When did the entire world become an insane asylum?

69 I'm sure that criminals can communicate on the internet and go undetected

Steganography.  None of you ever knew it, but those occasional pics I post all had plans and instructions for my criminal lackeys embedded in them. 

2,521 posted on 03/04/2010 5:43:50 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Secret Memo: ObamaCare VoteDays Away

Dems Knew of Massa's Sexual Misconduct, Will Dems Be Held Accountable Like GOP Was Over Mark Foley

What Ever Happened to ‘Drill Baby, Drill’?

Obama Set to Make Significant Reductions in U.S. Nuclear Arsenal


EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Considering Stepping Down

Obama Judgeship Bribery Joins Louisiana Purchase and Cornhusker Kickback

You've heard of the Cornhusker Kickback where a Senator from a western state can get all sorts of freebies from the government for a "yes" vote on Obamacare?

How about that ever popular Louisiana Purchase where a nice southern lady was paid off for that "yes" vote?

Read the rest at

...I unloaded on TN’s senators yesterday. Lamar Alexandar’s girl sounded like she had been getting a lot of HOT under the collar callers like me. Asked her where seniors were supposed to get more money for all the new city, county, state and federal taxes the various levels of government are wanting...

Bless you for doing that.

Half-seriously, I figure if Øbozo gets his beloved DeathScareTM made law, I expect when Miss Emily or I need more care that we are worth, we'll get shipped to the Euthanasia Center, err, Happy Carefree Old Folks Retirement Home, and have our organs harvested to keep the younger Drones, err, productive citizens, going...

27 posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:30:17 PM by backhoe

Al Gore confronted on ClimateGate in Chicago [Want to get ANGRY?]

Speaker Pelosi fumbles in dealing with the Rangel situation

THE NEXT BIG THING (liberal Media Matters hiring intern trolls)

Arizona: The Surveillance State


Global Temperature Trends From 2500 B.C. To 2040 A.D. [Awesome chart]

Here's a sunspot chart showing the various peaks and dips throughout the past centuries. Note the "Medieval Max". It corresponds to the "Medieval Warm Period". The "Maunder Minimum" corresponds to the "Little Ice Age", and the "Modern Max" to the recent warming trend we had been experiencing, at least until the past several years or so.

Obama administration protecting the 'green' investments of its friends

25% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction, Lowest Since Obama Took Office

The Health Care Fight is the House: Please, Please, Please Call Them!

Once it passes the House it will be sent to the President to be signed into law- forget the Senate they already passed the bill it just needs the House’s ok.. The battle is the House.

Anxious White men: House Democrat’s worst nightmare

I'll tell you this, I'm not "anxious" ...

Congress is already in trouble. Every single Democrat is in trouble. They call the GOP the party of "No" - that's great. We're only saying "no" because what they are proposing and trying to ram down America's throat is so thoroughly socialist, fascist, big-government and anti-American. We're the party of no, they are the party of disconnected un-American socialist dreams.

Come election time, absolutely no-one, regardless of party, that votes for obamacare's abomination gets re-elected. I believe no Democrat should be (re)elected period. It is time to send a message (to both parties): you work for us, you serve at our pleasure. If/when you (of either party) forget that, we can wipe you out the very next election. So that is my hope and prayer: lets tell DC we've had more than enough, they aren't listening, they're out.

7 posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:27:30 AM by ThunderSleeps (obama out now! I'll keep my money, my guns, and my freedom - you can keep the change.)

2,522 posted on 03/04/2010 10:39:08 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes? [How Much Lower Do We Go?]

Democrats Confirm They Will Use 'Nuclear Option' on Healthcare

Obama's Chicago-Style Politics: Selling Judgeships To Buy Health Care Votes?

American hero Michelle Bachmann calls for investigation into White House over bribery

Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: , , |
[70] Comments 

We think, secretly, Michelle Bachmann wears a red, white, and blue supersuit under her business suits, because the woman’s a real-life American hero.  She stands up for the Constitution, in the face of all the Leftists in power now, and loudly tells the lot of them THIS SHALL NOT STAND.

She’s like Wonder Woman, wearing Ann Taylor, elected to Congress, kicking donkey corruptocrat butt big time.

We wish she was triplets…because then we could have one of her in the Senate, and another in the White House as well.

She’s awesome.

And she’s, rightfully, calling for an investigation into the White House attempted bribe of a Utah Congressman — whereby the current president appointed the man’s brother to a judgeship in exchange for a swapped vote on the Healthcare Rationing Abomination.

Bachmann asks “Just what is going on in this White House?”.

We can answer that, because we imagine it’s similar to one of those twisted musical numbers Disney slips into its Princess cartoons, where the villain expositions, in song and dance, whatever terrible things he or she is up to, with all manner of trolls, rats, and other vermin keeping time and doing backup.

Can’t you just picture Dr. Utopia, our illustrious, fey president, shaking his fanny in the Oval, before Congressman Matheson, while Rahm Emanuel pirrouettes in the background, singing about how “Wonderful It Is To Be Bribed”? Flamboyant, over-the-top, yet amazingly hummable. Matheson’s brother gets to be a judge, and all Matheson has to do is sign on the dotted line, like Ariel autographing Ursula’s contract and surrendering her voice to a monster.

What will Matheson give up to Dr. Utopia, besides his soul?

How giddy will Dr. Utopia and Emanuel be when their musical number and fanny shaking get them one more vote towards destroying the country?

Bachmann is right.  This needs to be investigated.  The fanny shaking and bribing needs to stop.


March 4, 2010 at 12:19 pm

Boyz and buzzers,

I just sent this link to the Boyz

The Pres. is inviting these 10 Reps. to WH be arm twisted or BRIBED to vote for his bill.

Call these Reps. and make our voices heard once again on this stupid bill.

March 4, 2010 at 3:21 pm

...Obama just drops turds wherever he goes. He ruins people’s lives by just associating with him. He hires people he knows has tricky backgrounds [communist party members, "truthers", acolytes of Chairman Mao et al] and doesn’t think the public will find out. He is stinking up the entire legislative body [not that they weren't stinkers already, but they've gotten by for many years with lots of perfume].

I think it won’t be long before they start turning on him – especially the blue dogs, of which Matheson seems to be.




March 4, 2010 at 4:04 pm

“Folks better think long and hard about how they feel about a Republican administration making their healthcare decisions for them before they throw all of their weight behind passage of this bill…”

Over at Ace’s, on the post

‘Obama’s “CyberShield” will be reading your email contents’

I found this comment amusing and illuminating:

“I used that reasoning on a lefty friend recently re ObamaCare. “Y’know, the Democrats aren’t going to be in power forever. Someday the Republicans will be back, and they’ll inherit all that machinery and power structure. The minute they do, BAM! You get your miscarriage investigated by the police. You have to explain to a doctor approved by Sarah Palin why you want a vasectomy. You’re not sure who knows you have irritable bowel syndrome.” It freaked him out a bit.”

Awesome: GOP congressman to delay resignation so he can vote no on ObamaCare- Nathan Deal of Georgia

‘Anti-Lobbyist’ Obama Administration Recruited Left-Wing Lobbyists to Sell Bogus ‘Green Jobs’

Thursday, March 4, 2010, 11:49 AM
Jim Hoft

It was all a lie.
The Top Climate Scientist Admitted in February That Man-made Global Warming Was a Farce–

* The data for the vital ‘hockey stick graph’ had gone missing
* There had been no global warming since 1995
* Warming periods have happened before – but NOT due to man-made changes

And, statistical analysis of raw data shows that the claims that global hurricane activity has increased due to global warming cannot be supported.

But, that won’t stop Hurricane Katrina victims from suing oil companies for causing the storm. reported:

VICTIMS of Hurricane Katrina from Mississippi are seeking to sue carbon gas-emitting multinationals for helping fuel global warming and boosting the devastating 2005 storm, legal documents showed.

The class action suit brought by residents from southern Mississippi, which was ravaged by hurricane-force winds and driving rains, was first filed just weeks after the August 2005 storm hit.

“The plaintiffs allege that defendants’ operation of energy, fossil fuels, and chemical industries in the United States caused the emission of greenhouse gasses that contributed to global warming,” say the documents, seen by AFP.

The increase in global surface air and water temperatures “in turn caused a rise in sea levels and added to the ferocity of Hurricane Katrina, which combined to destroy the plaintiffs’ private property, as well as public property useful to them”.

Hat Tip Ken Solomon

Maybe their debit cards ran out?

2,523 posted on 03/04/2010 4:00:55 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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March 4, 2010 at 9:57 pm

A much clearer case than the Utah Congressman is Obama offering Rep. Sestak the bribe of a high administration position - Did Obama Offer Sestak A Bribe?

if he would drop out of his primary race against Specter. This is the same crime that Blago allegedly committed.

BLAGOJEVICH REMOVED: Impeached Blagojevich has been removed ...

Senators voted 59-0 to remove Rod Blagojevich, who walked out of the silent chamber after delivering an impassioned plea for mercy...corruption charges that included plotting to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama.


Progressives Continue to Push away American allies

by Rodan ( 116 Comments › )
Filed under American Supremacy, Barack Obama, Multiculturalism, Progressives, Tranzis at March 4th, 2010 - 1:30 pm

The foreign policy of Barack Hussein Obama is 3rd World Liberation based. Whether it’s allies like Israel, the UK or Colombia he continues to ignore their interests to please our enemies. His appeasement of Dar AL Islam has resulted in nothing. The Progressives in Congress continue to hold up the Colombia Free Trade Agreement to please Hugo Chavez. Now is he backing Argentina against our British allies over the Falklands. He is destroying a century of friendships all for the sake of his radical Transnationalist Ideolgy.

Almost 30 years after losing a war over the Falkland Islands, Argentinais once again warning Britain that it still wants back what it calls the Malvinas.

Argentina is now angry over a British company’s oil exploration off the windswept islands in what it considers its own South Atlantic backyard.

Although nominally democratic, the unpopular Kirchner government in Buenos Aires has claimed that the sparsely settled islands are a symbolic matter of Spanish-speaking pride throughout Latin America – and is theirs because the islands once belonged to Spain in the 19th century.

Read the rest: No Allies — But Plenty of Enemies

Victor Davis Hanson, being the historian he is, grasps the enormity of what Barack Hussein Obama is doing. Our President was influencedby 3rd World Liberation Ideology in his youth. His backstabbing of traditional American allies is a strategic disaster. He is not turning our enemies into friends, but isolating the US. At this rate, we will lose allies and have only enemies.

Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama is fulfilling the 3rd World Liberation goals of a weakened America. I don’t think his foreign policy is an accident, but based on designed.

The Green Jobs Con: Big Left Behind Big Wind And Vice Versa

by snork ( 102 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Global Warming Hoax, Technology at March 4th, 2010 - 8:30 am

At the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Chris Horner has been asking questions. At PJM, he finds that despite the bubbly bull**** about how green jobs are going to be a competitive advantage, the actual experience is quite to the contrary.

After two studies refuted President Barack Obama’s assertions regarding the success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals the Department of Energy turned to George Soros and to wind industry lobbyists to attack the studies.

Via the FOIA request, the Competitive Enterprise Institute has learned that the Department of Energy — specifically the office headed by Al Gore’s company’s former CEO, Cathy Zoi — turned to George Soros’ Center for American Progress and other wind industry lobbyists to help push Obama’s wind energy proposals.

So the government is using wind industry lobbyists and Soros front groups as scientific and economic experts. Now why do you suppose George Soros is involved in this? And what exactly is the experience in Spain and Denmark?

Some European economists took a look. In March, a research team from Madrid’s King Juan Carlos University produced a detailed, substantive, heavily sourced, two-method paper: “Study of the Effects on Employment of Public Aid to Renewable Energy Sources.” The paper concluded that Spain’s “green jobs” program was an economic failure, in fact costing Spain many jobs.

The president of Spain’s renewable energy association — along with a Communist Party affiliated trade federation — decried the paper’s lead author as being unpatriotic.

The former wrote in Spain’s leading paper, El Mundo, slamming the research paper. However, he did not critique the paper itself — he agreed with its conclusion. He was furious only that the study was publicized. By revealing the truth about Spain’s increasingly mythologized “green jobs” and renewable energy experience, the revealed study threatened the prospects for Spain’s companies to be bailed out by the U.S. repeating these mistakes.

Oh, dear. We can’t have such inconvenient truths coming out, now can we? Meanwhile, back in the US:

Back in the U.S., the American Wind Energy Association — the lobby for “Big Wind” in Washington, D.C., which includes a few Spanish wind giants — also attacked the publication of the Spanish paper.

Soon, the Obama administration published a five-page talking points memo assailing the economic assessment — written by two young, non-economist, pro-wind activists from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Boulder, Colorado.

NREL is an extension of the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). EERE is run by Assistant Secretary of Energy Cathy Zoi, who, until assuming this post, served as CEO to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection. Zoi is responsible for many millions of the “green jobs” stimulus dollars pushed for and designed by Van Jones (this according to Jones himself).

Where have we heard that name before? Something about crackpot 9/11 conspiracy theories? Well lo and behold! Also from PJM, it seems that he’s such a brilliant intellectual, Princeton University is so delighted to have him, they could just ejaculate. Richard Feynman just rolled over in his grave (but I’m sure Woodrow Wilson is getting a boner in his grave):

He’s back. In fact, he never went away. The Center for American Progress, John Podesta’s left/liberal think tank in Washington, D.C., announced that Van Jones has been appointed Senior Fellow working on Green policy initiatives. And then Princeton University announced that Jones has been appointed as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, as well as the Center for African-American Studies.  Jones has scored a “two-fer,” two appointments — two big salaries — all because of his outspoken left-wing views, and the notoriety he obtained largely due to Glenn Beck’s expose of his background before he was appointed to his former White House job as Obama’s Green Czar.  No wonder Jones keeps thanking Beck!

The world has gone mad.

What stinks? Is it me?

Did you know the Charybdis of Lake Michigan put on an Oscar special?

Apparently, neither did the rest of America.

Oprah’s Oscar Extravaganza of Oprah and Oscar came in dead last in the Nielsen ratings.  A special on paint drying techniques and a documentary on keeping Playdoh fresh by wrapping it in moist paper towels creamed Charybdis.

Roughly 12 people, in fact, watched the special:  11 of whom are Harpo Studios employees and are contractually required to suffer such abuse.  The other poor soul was a man injured in a skiing accident in Vail, Colorado, where he broke all his arms and legs.  Between shift changes, one of the nurses left his TV turned to the station where Charybdis’ special came on, and no matter how many times he pushed the call button with his tongue, frantically, he couldn’t get the second shift to come in and change the channel for him.  Apparently, all the nurses were in a staff meeting, so they couldn’t answer his calls for help until they were done talking about efficiency, patient care, and Total Quality Management.

It appears the man is now suing the hospital, for gross patient neglect and abuse.  We hope he gets millions.  No one on Earth should have to suffer though Oprah against his will.

Last place?

Isn’t Oprah supposed to be not only a gluttonous sea demon plaguing the shores of Lake Michigan, but also “the most popular talk show host in the history of this or any other planet”, according to the MSM at least.



Perhaps people are catching on to the fact that Oprah bears a lot of responsibility for what we’ve got in the White House now.

March 4, 2010 at 8:54 pm

Oh yes…I think I remember her. She said something about Obozo was the “one”. She was right. He is the “one”….the one to completely destroy this country.

March 4, 2010 at 9:34 pm

I blame so much on Oprah.

I do. She IS responsible for foisting of Barky, Me!chelle and their wacky cast of Chi-Town thugs, slumlordettes and demented ballerinas upon us...

2,524 posted on 03/05/2010 1:16:29 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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OBAMA’S VIETNAM: “This is the last helicopter out of Saigon.”

More rollercoaster -- mostly up!  Did you see that Geert Wilders' Libertarian party has won in his city in the Netherlands?  Another NY state legislator has flipped from D to R, giving the governing board a GOP majority.  Heck, Dondero has lots of cool stuff over there.

OOPS: “Barack Obama won the presidency by holding himself out as powerfully virtuous, as the man who would change the way Washington works. When I voted for Obama, I didn’t think that was going to be the set-up for sarcastic, world-weary jokes.”

Meanwhile, they told me if I voted for John McCain, the White House would be the butt of sarcastic, world-weary jokes. And they were right!

ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST: Bill Delahunt will not seek re-election. He wants to spend more time with his family... blah, blah, blah...

The Fierce Moral Urgency Of Backpeddling

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

Reuters, Feb.1 - President Barack Obama didn’t mince words when he criticized Republican opposition to prosecuting foreign terrorism suspects in U.S. criminal courts rather than in military tribunals, calling it “rank politics.”

WaPo, March 4 - President Obama's advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, a step that would reverse Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.'s plan to try him in civilian court in New York City.

After Obama's pledge of a fair trial and execution, I wonder what ever could have motivated this stunning reversal?

Posted by Kate at 12:24 AM| Comments (3)
Thursday, March 4, 2010, 9:48 PM
Jim Hoft

Frank Luntz was on with Hannity tonight to discuss the democratic plan to ram through their health care bill. Luntz says if democrats do this Republicans will win in districts they haven’t won since 1994.

Frank Luntz: I will tell you two things will happen. One is that everyone who is opposed to this (Obamacare) will positively come out and vote because they will feel that it is not only their right but their responsibility to send a message and two, you will see democrats defeated in places that haven’t elected a Republican since 1994.

2,525 posted on 03/05/2010 2:09:11 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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The Corruptocrats

Read more at ...

RUSH IN A HURRY -- Tell Your House Members: No to Obamacare

This is outrageous and exactly what Americans do not want. FAX NOW AND OFTEN AND MAKE CALLS TO CONGRESS. We need your continued help more than ever as Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped.

TELL KEY CONGRESSMEN LISTED BELOW TO VOTE NO: Fax, Call and Even Personally Visit Each in their Offices in Washington DC:

Harry Mitchell (202) 225-2190 (480) 946-2411 AZ 5th District
Gabrielle Giffords (202) 225-2542 (520) 881-3588 AZ 8th District
Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315 (928) 226-6914 AZ 1st District
Jerry McNerney (202) 225-1947 925-833-0643 CA 11th District
John Salazar 202-225-4761 970-245-7107 CO 3rd District
Jim Himes (202) 225-5541 (866) 453-0028 CT 4th District
Alan Grayson (202) 225-2176 (407) 841-1757 FL 8th District
Bill Foster (202) 225-2976 630-406-1114 IL 14th District
Baron Hill 202 225 5315 812 288 3999 IN 9th District
Mark Schauer (202) 225-6276 (517) 780-9075 MI 7th District
Gary Peters (202) 225-5802 (248) 273-4227 MI 9th District
Dina Titus (202) 225-3252 702-256-DINA (3462) NV 3rd District
Carol Shea-Porter (202) 225-5456 (603) 743-4813 NH 1st District
Tim Bishop (202) 225-3826 (631) 696-6500 NY 1st District
John Hall (202) 225-5441 (845) 225-3641 x49371 NY 19th District
Bill Owens (202) 225-4611 (315) 782-3150 NY 23rd District
Mike Arcuri (202)225-3665 (315)793-8146 NY 24th District
Dan Maffei (202) 225-3701 (315) 423-5657 NY 25th District
Earl Pomeroy (202) 225-2611 (701) 224-0355 ND At-Large District
Steven Driehaus (202) 225-2216 (513) 684-2723 OH 1st District
Mary Jo Kilroy (202) 225-2015 (614) 294-2196 OH 15th District
Zach Space (202) 225-6265 (330) 364-4300 OH 18th District
Kathy Dahlkemper (202) 225-5406 (814) 456-2038 PA 3rd District
Patrick Murphy (202) 225-4276 (215) 826-1963 PA 8th District
Christopher Carney (202) 225-3731 (570) 585-9988 PA 10th District
Paul Kanjorski (202) 225-6511 (570) 825-2200 PA 11th District
John Spratt (202) 225-5501 (803)327-1114 SC 5th District
Tom Perriello (202) 225-4711 (276) 656-2291 VA 5th District
Alan Mollohan (202) 225-4172 (304) 623-4422 WVA 1st District
Nick Rahall (202) 225-3452 (304) 252-5000 WVA 3rd District
Steve Kagen (202) 225-5665 (920) 437-1954 WI 8th District

We must make every effort to fax, call and even personally visit every key congressman in their offices in Washington DC.

Keep calling your Senators and Representatives today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at Arrogant ObamaCare TAX Increase!

CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your outrage at incompetence in crippling and obstructing the “bipartisan healthcare reform summit”.


Obama comforts House liberal: this bill is just the beginning of what we’ll do with health care

Obama Security Plan Includes Reading Your Email

Pollster: If ObamaCare Passes GOP Will Win Districts They Haven’t Won Since ‘94 (video)

It begins: House Dems backing away from Obama’s deadline for ObamaCare

He just assumed he could manipulate all Americans like that.

Obama's "community organizing" left Chicago neighborhoods in ruins.

Grim proving ground for Obama's housing policy

"About 99 of the units are vacant, many rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale - a score so bad the buildings now face demolition."

He just destroyed these people's lives for his own profit and that of his cronies and he's trying to impose the same welfare state destruction on the whole country.

Obama Looking To Give New Life To Immigration Reform [Obama Turns to Graham and Schumer]

Obama To Use 2010 Census For Political Gain

Let’s Have a Real Apartheid Education Week

The Spin On Friday's Jobs Numbers

Calif Govt: 10 pct unemployment.
Calif Truth: 20 pct unemployment.

Who you going to believe, your Govt? Or your lying eyes?

Krauthammer: For Obama, health care show must go on

San Francisco: Muslims Shoot Gay Man in the Face

2,526 posted on 03/05/2010 4:13:18 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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McCain calls for new ‘Gang of 14’ to stop Obama push on healthcare

Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform (Amnesty to illegal aliens)

The UK and the Future of Islamist Subversion - US mentioned - "Must Read!"


Democrats Revolt Over Energy

This seems to be....dare I say....UNPRECEDENTED.

Pardon Me, Obama Administration, But Isn't Your Policy on Fire?

The Approach of Tyranny

If the Democrats are successful in forcing through the reshaping the nation under the guise of "health-reform" they will use the same tactics this summer to cram amnesty for illegal aliens through and give the vote to those to whom they promise that if they elect them they will take from those who earn it and give to them.

2,527 posted on 03/05/2010 9:19:35 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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COUNTER-REVOLUTION: Eleven men believed Bart, not Barack.  After countless months of deliberation, a day-long photo op at the White House last week, the awarding of a judicial seat to the brother of an undecided Senator, and Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid’s assertions that the health care bill will be passed sooner rather than later, 11 Democrats today announced they would join Representative Bart Stupak (D-MI) in his opposition of the newly-revamped, rekindled, rehashed and revolting Health Care Reform package.

I’m sure the administration isn’t looking kindly on the Dirty Dozen of 2010.

HOPE: Dems Race to Pass Health Care Bill as Tea Partiers Plan Town Hall Wave.

Democrats are racing the clock to pass health care reform ahead of a wave of Tea Party-driven town hall meetings planned for the spring recess — the kind of gatherings that nearly derailed the package last August.

But there’s a big difference this time around. Last summer, Democrats were encouraged to hold the town hall meetings, and they were blindsided by the backlash, which was recorded and promoted in countless YouTube clips. This time around, they have a good idea of what’s coming — and they’re lying low, in case work on health care carries over into the recess.

Stupid constituents.

POLITICO: State Polls Show Gathering Storm.

SO HE WAS AN ANTI-BUSH TRUTHER, but the Christian Science Monitor’s Patrick Grier has decided that he’s really a “right wing extremist.” Not much in the way of actual evidence is presented, though SPLC/DNC talking points are recycled.

Meanwhile Joe Conason tries to connect Chilean earthquake deaths to the Tea Party. It just gets more pathetic, as they get more desperate.

UPDATE: Reader Lee Cerling writes:

Re the Joe Conason argument—you might note that perhaps Joe is unaware that Chile was considered by Milton Friedman to be “the Chilean miracle” due to its success in implementing Tea Party-style economic reforms. I’m sure he just overlooked that small point. Here’s the Wikipedia link:

Conason tends to miss stuff like this. Obviously, he needs to read InstaPundit more often.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Tom Maguire emails: “Of course the Pentagon shooter is a Tea Partier – he had a run-in with the law in 2006 about his illegal marijuana cultivation, and everyone knows that marijuana is a gateway drug to libertarianism.”

H/t Chrissy the Hyphenated

Betty Ford became First Lady at a time when the country was dealing with previously unimaginable problems, faith in government was low, and the American spirit had taken a severe beating.  She rose to the challenge and became a shining light and model of behavior, despite her immense inner personal struggles, including the battle with the bottle.  Her name today is leant to a treatment center where hundreds of thousands of people have gotten the help they need to become better people and live fuller lives.

Michelle Obama became First Lady during a difficult time in the country’s history, as the United States fell into an economic depression and faith in government reached new recent depths.  Instead of rising to the occasion and patriotically praising American virtues and raising spirits, she chose to hector Americans as racists, tell them their souls are broken, scold them for being obese (while clearly never looking in a mirror at herself), and spend the majority of her time posing for glamour shots in which she consistently claims she’s “a fashion icon”.  Her name has quickly become synonymous with greed, excess, narcissism, and the massive waste of taxpayer money.

March 5, 2010 at 2:32 pm

Hey Buttered….we hold daily interventions on MO over at

It’s a great antidote to all the drool at the fansites :D

GOOD GRIEF: Another symptom of the problem: Detroit school board President Otis Mathis can’t write (seriously!)

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PROTEST TURNS VIOLENT: “A tuition protest at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee turned violent. . . . The protest was part of a national Day of Action, challenging lawmakers in each state to stop cutting funding from education.”

Two thoughts: (1) This is more violence than all the Tea Party protests put together, despite the media fearmongering; and (2) Running out of other people’s money stinks, doesn’t it?

Lindsey Grahamnesty rides again

March 5, 2010 02:34 PM by Michelle Malkin

What a busy little “bipartisan” bee Lindsey Grahamnesty has been lately.

He’s holding hands with John Kerry to push carbon caps and unrepentant global warming cultism.

He’s collaborating with the White House to close down Gitmo.

And he’s schmoozing with Chuckie Schumer on another illegal alien amnesty campaign — an effort that has been in the works for months.

Yesterday, I asked if the GOP had the balls to take on the Left and the permanent Nanny State.

Brains and souls are AWOL, too.

"Keep dredging up an issue which is just as toxic as Obamacare."
"You forgot one thing Michelle. It was his vote that gave us that “Wise Latina” as a Supreme Court Justice."

USA Gun Owners Buy 14 Million Plus Guns In 2009

We Need to Have Empathy for Tea Partiers

Rep. Paul Broun not sure if Obama is citizen

Senate Health Care Bill Funds Abortions Despite Obama, Pelosi's Protest

Gendercide: The war on baby girls

What Will it Take to Get Our Country Back?

"The two camps in America today are irreconcilable. We are no longer merely liberals and conservatives who both love our country but see things differently politically. The two camps now are those who love the country as our Founders established it and those who detest that nation ..."
"Long before we reach a civil war point Liberals will turn on each other first. City after city will go "Katrina". If we are to do anything, all we have to do is knock out a transformer or two safely far away in a rural red county and the riots will begin at sundown. "



In that order of preference.

Defending Sarah Palin Over A Glass of Kool-Aid (Follow-on to earlier post)

I wrote a blog yesterday about meeting Sarah Palin. Oh. My. God. Never before has there been such an outpouring of both love and hate, for both Sarah and I. It would not stop, and continues to come in this morning.

I have received a lot of reader comments during my time writing for the Jewish Journal, but never have I received as much as I did after this blog. I invite you to take a look at some of those comments, at the bottom of yesterdays article.

ED MORRISSEY: E-mails from National Academy of Sciences plot attacks on AGW skeptics. “Perhaps the scientists should concentrate more on science than advocacy. In fact, that was the conclusion of several people in the e-mail chain, warning against getting into a big public-relations battle when the supposedly ’settled science’ of the IPCC has all but utterly collapsed. Even if one is inclined to the most paranoid possible perspective on the meltdown, a $50,000 back-page ad in the New York Times will hardly offset all of the negative publicity that AGW scientists have managed to create on their own.”We Don't Need No Stinking Giant Fans

Chicago Boyz;

Here’s a fact you won’t see mentioned in the public policy debate over “alternative” energy:

There exists no alternative energy source, no combination of alternative energy sources, and no system of combinations of alternative energy sources that can fully replace a single, coal fired electric plant built with 1930s era technology.


Yet many want to make this group of functionally useless technologies the primary energy sources for our entire civilization.

It's the math, stupid.

Posted by Kate at 9:40 AM| Comments (25)

2,528 posted on 03/05/2010 12:52:54 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

One Of The Best Blog Posts I Have Ever Read

It is only improved by the very high quality of the comments. And for those who still do not understand the power and beauty of the First Amendment, and its foundational importance to our modern (and technological) civilization, the quality of the comments is greatly improved by having counter-arguments presented.

Don't miss it. ChicagoBoyz - Why Alternative Power Is and Will Remain Useless

Update: I am not going to post until late tonight or tomorrow, because I don't think anything I could write could be as well worth your time as the post linked above. See also Mark's links here and here as a commentary on the larger problem. More good adjunct reading is Watt's post on the new ad-hoc group to defend climate science; one of the quoted individuals is Paul R Ehrlich:
“Most of our colleagues don’t seem to grasp that we’re not in a gentlepersons’ debate, we’re in a street fight against well-funded, merciless enemies who play by entirely different rules,” Paul R. Ehrlich, a Stanford University researcher, said in one of the e-mails.
Ah, yes, more of Paul Ehrlich's wit and wisdom. The man who was so wrong he couldn't be more wrong wants to form a group to explain why everyone who disagrees with him is, um, wrong? The "entirely different rules" he refers to must be those of evidence. No matter how beautiful Paul Ehrlich thinks poverty is, he never seems to want his money flow to be interrupted. The man who advocated forced abortion and infanticide to avoid a tragedy that has not happened is not precisely a source the American public will respect. Come on now, this guy really wants to be governing on Tarsus IV - his own words prove it.

Even economically, it is now an unfortunate reality that our future trajectory largely depends on public policy changes. Therefore it would behoove us to ensure that our public policies are based on very realistic assumptions; the risk of great failure in large-scale changes unless the concept is pre-tested is always quite large. Sadly, all the data we have shows that large-scale "green" power generates little usable power at a great cost, increases the utility bills of businesses and consumers, and depresses economic performance. Thus we have the strange phenomenon of a concept which has already been demonstrated to fail on testing becoming the basis for a policy that must fail. It's not that these power sources don't work as very small portions of the system - it's that they cannot be scaled up to become a large portion of the system. Our failure to recognize this is costing us a tremendous amount of money.

As for the monthly employment report, there is nothing notable about it. It is unlikely that the weather affected it much. The table I am watching is Table A-8 in the household segment. (Table numbering has been changed with the enhanced version of the employment release.) The bottom line is that on a seasonally adjusted basis, private industries lost workers but not very many. Since November, the number of non-governmental workers has remained essentially stable (changes are probably not statistically significant). Since October, that number has dropped. Government employment is quite erratic, probably due to the Census hiring. Moving down to the part-time section, we find that since October, the number of part-time workers due to slack work has dropped by over 10%, or over 700,000 persons. This is an effect of an improving business climate and expanding production runs. Needless to say that is part of the improvement in WIET tax receipts; the rest is primarily due to government hiring and government raises. A look at Table B-2 shows that the effect of the inventory cycle is probably tailing out; drops in average hours for manufacturing (39.9 > 39.5) confirm the general impression generated by other reports.


Obama: You Know, We Might Want To Start Thinking About Comprehensive Immigration Reform


I guess based on all his recent success in moving major, controversial bills through Congress he feels ready to take this on.

You may be surprised but Lindsey Graham is involved in the effort.

A Senior Administration Official tells Fox that President Obama will meet with Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham on Monday as part of a "process to explore bipartisan ideas" on comprehensive immigration reform so the president "can get a sense" of the possibilities of moving legislation this year.

Considering that immigration isn't exactly a front burner issue for most people, this is clearly an effort to get the Democratic base, especially Hispanic voters, energized. After a year of issues that unite Republicans and divide Democrats (Cap and Trade, Health Care, Afghanistan, etc.), the White House must desperately want to put something on the table that divides Republicans for a change. Yes, there are some members of the Democratic coalition that oppose immigration reform, though labor has come along recently, but it's still a more divisive issue for Republicans and conservatives.

Obama's been promising or, depending on your outlook, threatening, this since taking office. I think he's bluffing but he's going to try and get some mileage out of it in the process. I'm not sure if that's covered by 'Hope' or 'Change' but there you have it.

Posted by DrewM. at 05:18 PM New Comments Thingy

What could be better for our new Universal Healthcare System than another 30 million enrollees followed by another 100 million or so of their relatives?*tH8MW5SqiUoskHx60X0D*E4nFvEmC0DgVX-BNhyHK/isupportimpeachment.jpg
Image and 
video hosting by TinyPic


2,529 posted on 03/05/2010 3:48:14 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

'Iran Developing Massive Launch Site'

'New Iran rocket launch site shows NKorea links'

Obamacare worth the price to Democrats (GOP Will Not Repeal It)

Obama Tips His Hand - And Takes Sides: Will Help Palestinians Most

Well, Duh!

Obama calls 'entrepreneurship summit' with Muslims


Drudgereport, 2010 - New Missile Defense Agency Logo Causes Online Commotion...


Geert Wilders Speech at the House of Lords. A true champion of freedom. Fearless and true

Obama's Priority? Certainly Not Jobs.


State polls show gathering storm

yard sign "2nd Amendment" arms guns

Hillary Clinton’s 1969 Wellesley Thesis

Sarah Palin: Obama Is Wrong, Stand Up For SEALs Standing Up For Us

LA County Issues New Disaster Survival Guide


Gun Facts v5.0!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v5.0 download page!

CRIME RATES FALL In the First Half of 2009 (More guns, less crime) ^ | 12/21/09
Marta crime rate falls in wake of gun law(GA)
Atlanta Gun Rights examiner ^ | 14 December, 2009
Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World
YouTube ^ | 12-13-09

Total Resistance

Obama must decide degree to which U.S. swears off nuclear weapons

What gives any president the right to make a unilateral decision of this magnitude?


Obama doesn’t own these weapons.
WE, the people, own them.

U.S. to cut nukes, reduce their role in national security: Obama

California unemployment rises to 12.5 percent despite gain of 32,500 jobs (how does *that* work???)

Remember- you have to multiply X2 to even get close to accuracy=
25% unemployed.

Real Estate Price Forecast: City by City [underemployment remains high but home values climb?]

MORE bull crap.


I had to drive a circuitous route yesterday, all around my county instead of the usual shopping trip... newly built strip centers?

Emptying out. Signs, "first month free!" "Ask about our new lower prices!"

Homes for sale, all over.

Real estate offices? Nary a car, not even staff.

The temporary employment firm? Closed tight.

The county's first billion-dollar "condo conversion?" Being pursued for back taxes and "breach of promise." ( They kept taking money, and didn't build any of the promised stuff. )

If it weren't so awful, it would be comedic- like a parody or satire of ghastly news.

"'Tis but a scratch!"

America's top ten poorest cities

2,530 posted on 03/06/2010 4:35:10 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
Smells like 2006, Evil Party style: Rash of Scandals Tests Democrats at Sensitive Time.
 Big Labor, Obama And Dems Have Big Plan$ For will cost American workers ( That's Y-O-U, stupid... ) and companies hundreds of billions of dollars...
TAX DOCUMENTS FROM The Tides Foundation. “A look at their 2008 tax return, 160-plus pages, reads like a directory of the New Left. I’ve pulled out the donations to ACORN groups and Big Labor’s Working America Education Fund (not many people know unions take in ostensibly charitable donations) and one theme is clear: “general support” seems to be a popular phrase. Another theme: notice that states receiving money are critical to election-year success for Democrats. And finally, notice just how much money is being thrown around.”
RETRACTO THE CORRECTION ALPACA IS STILL ON THE JOB: Correction Requests: E! Online, AOL’s PopEater, NY Daily News, FishbowlLA.

BIG JOURNALISM: The MSM, John Patrick Bedell, and the Gleiwitz Incident. ( i.e., the pentagon shooter was really a right wing nutcase... honest! )  Related: THE POWER OF NARRATIVE and the destruction of western civilization.

We’ve noticed that Michelle Malkin, Redstate, Ace of Spades, and others publish some of the vile hatemail that they get every once in a while.  Repeatedly, many of you have asked us to do that, too, to give you an idea of exactly how Obama supporters conduct themselves, the kinds of things they say, and who these people are.

Well, here’s one that we got tonight…and it’s mild in terms of what Obama supporters put out there: 


...But, clearly, Traversy doesn’t understand why we didn’t “shut up and fall in line” the way we were told to…and her irrational, Leftist bent draws from that emotion and causes her to lash out.

Something to think about.

March 6, 2010 at 8:25 am

Well, you aren’t banned in Georgia, if you ever wander that far into the Old South- the door’s open, and the lamp’s lit.

Welcome to the club- I’ve been called racist, sexist, anti-gay ( like most everyone on the right side of the aisle ) since Hector was a pup– after a while, it becomes white noise. Static in the radio.

Racist? Tell that to my wet nurse, or the first shop foreman I worked under- both were black as the Ace of Spades. ( I’ll denounce mysef’ to save others the bother- RAAACIST! )

Sexist? Two wives and a number of gal pals would either laugh or clobber the accuser- probably both– I’ve always like tender steaks and tough women…

Anti-gay? Well, besides having a number of friends and relatives and employees of that persuasion, we’ve lived next door to a pair of gay gals for 23 years. They are nice folks.

I read- and recommend– your site for its contents. You are keen and astute observers, and good strategists.

I sure don’t see the “hate Obama”– it’s more like mocking and deep skepticism. Just like me. I don’t like con artists of any color.

America was conned by a fraud- told they were getting Coke when they were actually sold Pepsi– and buyer’s remorse is so thick now you can cut it with a knife.

The newest addition to the "Ugly Hanna-Barbera Costumes Collection" at the Smithsonian

The Smithsonian Institute announced today the current First Lady is donating her Inaugural Gown (the only one she will ever wear) to a new exhibit “of ugly costumes based on old cartoon characters”.

"She looks like she poured sticky stuff all over her & then rolled in cotton balls!"

For the pure "H" of it- because I really am bored with the whole trainwreck, but for archival purposes:


Rescued: The Lost Threads Of Wild Irish Rose

by ChenZhen ( 399 Comments › )

LAT Headline: "Obama Encouraged by Steady Unemployment Rate"


That's right; your eyes do not deceive you.

You just saw them put on a positive spin on a persistent, soulcrushing, lifestealing 9.7% unemployment rate. (16.8% real unemployment rate, and climbing.)

Oh, and AP's now tracing the Pentagon shootings right back to the office of Senator Jim DeMint.

Thanks to Slu and Gabe.

Posted by Ace at 08:24 PM New Comments Thingy
5  ...Of course Barry Ogabe is encouraged by it, because he can just proclaim capitalism a great big failure and institute a socialist takeover upon any sector he wishes and make big government look like a saviour.  He's taking notes from Chavez here.
This ain't a bug, its a feature.
28 It must confuse some people in the Black community that under the first Black President, unemployment of young Black men has skyrocketed, with all the attendant ill effects on that community.
31 OT: another Friday news dump from the Obama Administration.

U.S. to cut nukes, reduce their role in national security

In the statement, Obama pointed to the persistent threat of nuclear proliferation and the importance of the NPT. "Today, the threat of global nuclear war has passed, but the danger of nuclear proliferation endures, making the basic bargain of the NPT more important than ever."

Question: If nuclear proliferation endures, how can the threat of global nuclear war have passed?

CLIMATEGATE: Follow the money.

2,531 posted on 03/06/2010 5:51:31 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
March 6, 2010 at 4:25 am

Hey Hillbuzz, just wanted to let you know you got another shout out from Tammy Bruce on her show. On the 3/4 podcast at about the 14:40 mark, she said,

“Good links to keep up with Sarah Palin always is and, Initially a Hillary Clinton focused site, but like many people who were classical liberals and Democrats disgusted by what the Democratic Party had turned into during the 2008 election, have opened their eyes and looked to people who genuinely represent the classical liberal ideal of individual freedom combined with responsibility…”

March 6, 2010 at 9:22 am

Did you see the pic on HotAir of
Jay-Z sitting in Obama’s chair in

It’s just one big party and celebrity meet and greet for the fool in chief.

What a man-child.

Nice. 117 Comments » | "Jay-Z has been getting some negative press lately for banning white people..."

"Zero has done nothing but tarnish the image of the Presidency."

2,532 posted on 03/06/2010 6:49:08 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

Here’s another email from Susan Traversy, who enjoys sending us hatemail.

Who is this woman?  Does she have any other hobbies besides writing to us?  Can any of you make more sense out of her rants than we can?

A lot of what she says could really be taken as of a threatening nature.

As we always ask of Obots…is this Hope, or is this Change that Susan Traversy’s preaching?

March 6, 2010 at 12:17 am

I may be late to the game on this, but what is MOTUS?

March 6, 2010 at 7:52 am

Mirror Of The US. MOTUS is pals with TOTUS and has a blog at


When he got elected, I just pictured the White House full of dumb-assed rappers smoking blunts and drinking Cristal in the Oval Office. I’m so glad to see it coming to pass…

stefanite on March 5, 2010 at 8:11 PM

There’s A Communist Living in the White House: By Victoria Jackson

Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: , |
[13] Comments 

March 6, 2010 at 11:52 am

Hillaryis44 again has knocked it out the park!

The 2006 Election was about Arrogance!, Incompetence!, Corruption! The 2010 elections will be about Arrogance!, Incompetence!, Corruption!

PumaPac has advice for those who oppose Obama:

Advice to anyone who stands up to or tries to thwart obama: Don’t have a sex scandal in your closet. It WILL be exposed.

Just ask Jack and David, and Eric. Oh, and also Quarles Harris and the dude in Chicago, what’s his name again? Larry? Yeah, that’s him. Well, I guess the last two aren’t really sex scandals per se. They involve murder and illegal drugs instead.

We’d add John Edwards.

“The only way back for me is if there is a complete cleaning of the thuggery in the Democratic party.”


March 6th, 2010 at 9:28 am
If he thinks slipping on banana peels, betraying core party values, charging down bind alley like a banshee, pushing programs the public hates, cutting secret deals with big pharma, being “calm” about 10% unemployment and failing to deliver a single legislative victory with a supermajority in Congress is “doing a spectacular job” then I guess Hanks is not as delusional as he sounds. Part of the answer is Hollywood is invested in this dodo and he speaks in some respects for the establishment such as it is. He was a bundler for Obama, and cannot admit to his peers he is wrong. But no less there is that flash of insight given to us by the French President about Obama, when Obama wanted to preach about a brave new world and not reveal to the world that intelligence information made available to the NATO nations revealed that Iran was further ahead on nuclear development than previously believed and had multiple sites: Mr. President, we live in a real world, not a virtual one. Whereas Hanks, a Hollywood pretender, makes his living in the same virtual world that Barack does.

2,533 posted on 03/06/2010 12:30:02 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

WH Meeting to Legalize Illegal Immigrants

Obama Continues to Bash US Private Industry But Calls For Muslim Summit on Entrepreneurship

Islam, The Alleged Religion of Peace® ( TARP™ )? Click this picture:

EDITORIAL: Ready, aim, hold your fire--Our troops are saddled with dangerous rules of engagement

Organized crime: The 'looting' of $11 trillion from the U.S. economy

Duncan Hunter Interview 3-5-2010: On Obama the Apostrate, The Reagan Doctrine, and Aging Hippies

In Denial ( The meltdown of the climate campaign. )


Five times the cost of the Manhattan Project ( Money spent to support Climate Research - AGW )

Charitable Money Laundering For Democrats: The Tides Foundation

An old post:
The Prince of Tides- Bush ads, Kerry ads, the Tides Foundation, and so much more...
various FR links | 03-06-04 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Tides Foundation: Major Support, General Concern

The fine (and rapidly disappearing) line between "clarification" and coercion (gay marriage in UK)

TAX PROTEST! MARCH ON WASHINGTON [Online. A revolution in Free Speech.]

Soros-Backed Antiwar Group, Uses IED Attacks in New Global Warming Disinformation Campaign!

Illinois Dangerous 'Presumed Consent' Organ Donor Bill

Simple funerals result of economic woes



Wait a minute- I don’t think this is what they were “hoping” for...

Lindsey Grahamnesty rides again

Why Alternative Power Is and Will Remain Useless

Here’s a fact you won’t see mentioned in the public policy debate over “alternative” energy:

There exists no alternative energy source, no combination of alternative energy sources, and no system of combinations of alternative energy sources that can fully replace a single, coal fired electric plant built with 1930s era technology.

Nada. Zero. Zilch.

Yet many want to make this group of functionally useless technologies the primary energy sources for our entire civilization.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Bitterness and unease in Zimbabwe


-"Pity About Africa..."--

The title is a take-off from a forgettable book with an unforgettable name:

For more--

Quoth I, from the top link:

"Why do you keep posting this stuff? Nobody cares about Africa, anyway..."

...the truth is archived here on Free Republic, and I maintain that one
day, when things over there are too awful to be ignored any longer, those who
have eyes to see will read the stories here, and be appalled at the silence.

Then again, we have our own problems...


Forbes: Bigger Budget = Smaller Economy

The ‘Black Farmer’ Shakedown: Round Two

This is where The Dark Night intends to take us — and it is not unintentional. He is a bitter, angry man, dismissive of those he likes (blacks), disdainful of those he hates (whites) — and most of all full of abject hatred for the country he despises (the USA).

He believes that because his is a half-breed, no one has ever given him the respect and esteem that he deserves. And he will not be satisfied until he rules and ruins all who did him wrong. He is at war withing himself and his turned his guns upon all around him.

If he has his way, one day, we will beg to be like Zimbabwe.

27 posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 3:01:50 PM by hampdenkid

2,534 posted on 03/06/2010 1:58:47 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
Has Obama done any irreversible damage so far?  Neo's having an Instalanche.
Stay tuned...
Money Laundering and The Tides Foundation

An old post:
The Prince of Tides- Bush ads, Kerry ads, the Tides Foundation, and so much more...
various FR links | 03-06-04 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

The Dem’s Disastrously Timed Minimum Wage Hikes Hit Teens & Black Youth the Hardest
Saturday, March 6, 2010, 2:19 PM
Jim Hoft

Teenagers who looked for work last summer were out of luck. The teen unemployment rate rose to a record high of 25.5 percent in August of 2009, up from 23.8 percent in July. This was more than ten points higher than the record 9.7 percent national unemployment rate announced in September of 2009. The teenage unemployment rate last year was at its highest level since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began keeping track of such data in 1948.

This chart comes from The Wall Street Journal via Carpe Diem

There was another factor that may be hurting teens, the disastrously timed minimum wage increases. Economist David Neumark wrote in The Wall Street Journal last fall that the minimum wage increase in July 2009 would destroy an additional 300,000 jobs nationwide, concentrated among the most vulnerable and least skilled employee populations. Neumark added that with the aggregate unemployment rate at 9.4 percent in May 2008, the teen unemployment rate exceeding 22 percent, and the unemployment rate for black teens nearing 40 percent, July’s minimum wage increase seemed like the worst thing possible. He was right. The teen unemployment rate jumped 3.5 percentage points in one month.

Since last summer after the minimum wage was increased the job situation for teens has became even worse.
The Wall Street Journal reported:

There’s plenty of competition, but our vote for the recent act of Congress that has caused the most economic hardship goes to the May 2007 law raising the minimum wage in three stages to $7.25 an hour from $5.15. Rarely has a law hurt more vulnerable people more quickly.

A higher minimum wage has the biggest impact on those with the least experience or the fewest skills. That means in particular those looking for entry-level jobs, especially teenagers. And sure enough, as nearly all economic models predict, the higher minimum has wreaked havoc with teenage job seekers, well beyond what you would expect even in a recession…

…But as the minimum wage increased even as the overall job market began to worsen, the damage to teen job seekers became more severe. By the time the third increase to $7.25 from $6.55 took effect in July 2009, the teen jobless rate was 24.3%, and by October it peaked at 27.6% before dropping to 26.4% in January.

The story is even worse for black teens, who often have lower than average education levels or live in areas with fewer job prospects. Their jobless rate climbed from 38.5% before the third wage hike to 49.8% in November 2009, before falling back to 43.8% in January. For black male teens, the rate climbed to 52.2% in December from 39.2% in July. The difference between the jobless rates for black teens and the entire population widened by six percentage points from June 2007 to January 2010. Even assuming those rates fall as the job market improves this year, they will remain destructively high.

Disastrously Timed Minimum Wage Hikes Hit Teens the Hardest

Related… Obama Rewards Young Voters With More Leisure Time as Youth Unemployment Soars

2,535 posted on 03/07/2010 9:38:59 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

The House Vote on the Senate Healthcare Bill Is the Final Vote; Obama Will Sign It Into Law

There Won't Be Reconciliation or Easy Path to Repealing Obamacare

4.1 Million Jobs Lost but Taxpayers Fund Gov't Hiring Spree

Iran says it has started cruise missile production

Jack Cashill: Into the Rabbit Hole for More Obama Truth

In Denial: The meltdown of the climate campaign

It is increasingly clear that the leak of the internal emails and documents of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in November has done for the climate change debate what the Pentagon Papers did for the Vietnam war debate 40 years ago—changed the narrative decisively.

Letters From Zimbabwe: Cathy Buckle

LoDo Attack Suspects Let Loose, Now Eyed In Murder ("Racial" assaults ignored)

What the Hell is Jay-Z Doing at the White House

It just more of the same ... reminds me of when Markie Post and Linda Bloodworth-Thomason were jumping on the bed in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House, gleefully exclaiming, “We made it!”.

Interpret that shared exclaimation of these two women as you will. Peggy Noonan referred to it as a “joyous union” in her opinion article titled “American Caligula”.

This is what happens when a Democrat is elected President.

Tennessee Hospitality Association CEO Sends Out E-mail Mocking Michelle Obama as Tarzan's Chimpanzee

The human cost of Obama’s theft of Chrysler dealerships

2,536 posted on 03/07/2010 11:39:27 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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CALIFORNIA UPDATE: Billions in red ink drowning California’s cities, schools and counties, too. I heard my state’s Finance Commissioner on George Korda’s talk radio show, and it’s clear that he regards California’s situation as a cautionary tale. I hope that other states are taking the same lesson.

UPDATE: Related thoughts from Don Surber: “I blame incrementalism. Some sob sister story creates a new program for only pennies a day that quickly becomes an expensive bureaucracy. And well, here we are.”

Sensible “Cyber War” Preparation, Or Just More Government Snooping?...Re-read that sentence. He’s talking about changing the internet to make everything anyone does on the net traceable and geo-located so the National Security Agency can pinpoint users and their computers for retaliation if the U.S. government doesn’t like what’s written in an e-mail, what search terms were used, what movies were downloaded...

HOW TO BEAT THE LONDON COPS on a terrorism stop. But the real fun is in the comments.  There's a nice quick-reference bust card (designed for photographers) here:

THE END OF REASON? Thoughts inspired by rereading The Road To Serfdom.

"There is no truth."

Let's examine this statement logically, shall we?

Assume that it's false. In which case, the opposite is true, and therefore there is truth.

Assume that it's true. In which case, the statement stands, and therefore there is no truth.

But if there is no truth, then no statement can be true, including the statement "There is no truth." Thus, the statement contradicts itself and must be false. Ergo, there is truth. QED.

This is elementary logic. Relativisim is the bastard child of an empty mind.11:02 AM, March 06, 2010

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Congressional Estimates Show Grim Deficit Picture. “The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that Obama’s budget plans would generate deficits over the upcoming decade that would total $9.8 trillion. That’s $1.2 trillion more than predicted by the administration.”

Ann Althouse comments: “The number is utterly incomprehensible. If you think it is not, I’m going to assume it is because your brain has less, not more, capacity than mine. Please don’t stumble embarrassingly over yourself trying to prove otherwise.”

And, from the comments: “I think the number will be higher. There will be ‘emergencies’ and ‘unforeseen circumstances’. Plus, there’s the dead-weight loss from the new energy taxes he’s proposing and the forced spending on health insurance, that are bound to dramatically shrink the economy.”

Cheer Up!

There's a way out of their mess...

Suppose we didn't want the publicly held debt to rise more than 2 trillion over the next 10 years. Here's some numbers. Starting with Treasury Direct's Debt to the Penny, we discover that on December 31st, 2009, publicly held debt was 7.8 trillion. As of March 4th, 2010, it was 8.06 trillion. Thus we are going add about 1.16 Trillion a year to publicly held debt.

The estimate for 2010 (see the Monthly Treasury Statement for Dec 2009) is that all individual income taxes will total 1.03 trillion for this fiscal year (Oct 09.Sept 2010). Because our interest rates will rise when the economy recovers, our debt servicing costs are going to rise quite a bit.

In any case, to fend off further increases in the publicly held debt (and higher interest payments), we would need to pretty much double each taxpayer's individual income tax bill. So whatever you are paying in taxes this year, multiply by 2. That's what it requires.

That's just the teaser.

I love this: Annual Growth of Federal Revenues and Gross Domestic Product, 1970 to 2020.

Meanwhile, "cash-strapped states such as North Carolina, Alabama and Hawaii have been forced to slow down issuing income tax refunds to individuals and businesses because of a lack of funds in their budget".

But not to worry, in the minds of the "Obama Recovery Watch High Alert" media: 36,000 workers laid off in February = "positive jobs report".

With our national economy so dependent on trade with the elephant to the south, you'd think those numbers would be scaring the bejesus out of each and every one of us - beginning with our finance ministers. But by all indications, you'd think wrong.

Posted by Kate at 10:10 AM| Comments (17)

Obama's war on prosperity will either succeed in collapsing the Republic into a basket case welfare state or he will have inspired the second American revolution which will see the productive sectors collapse the parasitic and regulatory political ruling class. Forget the "Party of No", the saviors of the Republic must become, if a democratic solution is possible, the "Party of Creative Destruction".
All federal entitlements should be phased out and virtually all federal agencies eliminated. The IRS should be replaced with an initial 15% flat tax on all personal income gradually reduced to 5% after elimination of the federal debt. Corporate taxes should be eliminated. The federal government should be reduced to core functions of National security, Judicial and Military. The states could then compete without the federal mandates and bribes.

Anything less would be a bubble gum weld on a rusty ship.

That was simple.....Next?

Posted by: John Chittick at March 7, 2010 1:17 PM

FROM POPULAR MECHANICS: How To Handle Sudden Unintended Acceleration.

ACLU Ad Compares Obama to Bush 43

—Gabriel Malor

In today's NYTimes, the aging civil rights organization complains that Obama is just Bush all over again. Click the pic to go to the full ad (PDF):

This is the pushback I expected after White House staffers started leaking that Obama would flip flop on the New York 9/11 trials and throw Holder under the bus.

Will the whimpering of the ACLU change Obama's mind? Does it matter? Congress isn't going to let the President bring terrorists here for trial anyways. This was money down the toilet. I approve this message.

Posted by Gabriel Malor at 12:17 PM New Comments Thingy

smoke and mirrors. cover for odeathcare. cloward/piven. alinsky.

That's one of the two most likely explanations.

I think he's afraid to change anything. The things he has tried to change, like trying terrorists in civilian court or closing Gitmo have been disasters for him. He doesn't know what he's doing, so rather than trying to change something and watch it blow up in his face again, he's leaving it alone.

That's the other most likely explanation.

If you want to really "grok" Barack Hussein Obama, then you have to read Cashill's work on the authorship question.

When you see the pieces that we know Barry wrote, without any help from William Ayers or Jon Favreau or David Axelrod, then it immediately becomes abundantly clear that Barry doesn't have an IQ much higher than 110 or 115.

The poor guy [to the extent that you can force yourself to feel any sympathy for him] is in way, way, way over his head - by a standard deviation or two - and he really doesn't have any clue what he's doing as regards the day-to-day minutae of making the trains run on time.

Which I guess we should all be thankful for - a Barry Soetoro with an IQ of 140+ would have been a very formidable opponent.

PS: And don't discount the possibility of substance abuse problems - if the Kenyan really is his biological father, then Barry could have inherited a terrible addiction gene from him, and might be drinking himself to sleep in the White House every night.

PPS: Along those lines, did you guys see the pictures of Jay-Z and Beyonce in the top-secret "Situation Room"?

This stuff is making the Obama White House look like an episode of "Soul Train" or "Sanford and Son".

Sunday, March 7, 2010, 3:07 PM
Jim Hoft

The AP published a lengthly article today on the sudden parade of predjudice witnessed on campuses across California.

But, the writer forgot to mention that a minority student admitted to hanging the noose at the UCSD campus. It’s a slight detail.
From propagandist Christina Hoag at the Associated Press:

LOS ANGELES – Swastikas, nooses, a KKK hood, graffiti, epithets and jeers.

An ugly spate of bias incidents has crossed several University of California campuses over the past month, causing consternation, outcry and fear that bigotry is alive among the young and educated.

Students have protested and administrators have condemned, but the question remains of what lies behind the sudden parade of prejudice — a growing climate of insensitivity on campuses or a bunch of immature kids yearning for peer acceptance and attention.

“My guess is some of all of those things,” said interim UC Provost Lawrence H. Pitts. “I’d like to believe it’s really an extreme minority. It does suggest there’s some underlying feeling of intolerance in our community.”

The incidents have roiled several campuses in the 175,000-student state university system, which is one of the nation’s most respected and diverse.

At UC San Diego, black students were offended by an off-campus “Compton Cookout” party that mocked ghetto stereotypes, a noose and KKK-style hood found on campus and a student making racially derogatory remarks on a student-run TV station.

At UC Davis, swastikas cropped up and the gay and lesbian center was vandalized with graffiti. At UC Santa Cruz, a picture of a noose was scrawled. On the Irvine campus, the Israeli ambassador was heckled to the extent that he was forced to end a speech early.

The acts were particularly shocking because they occurred on university campuses — usually considered centers of intellectual enlightenment above acts commonly associated with ignorance.

But experts note that universities are microcosms of society at large, and that includes hatemongers. Upticks in hate crimes are often seen in times of economic malaise as people seek scapegoats, noted Jack Levin, a Northeastern University sociologist who has studied hate.

Still, surveys show that prejudice among today’s young people is at a low and interracial and interethnic marriages are at an all-time high, said Tom Smith, director of the general social survey at the National Opinion Research Center. Studies have also long found that education increases tolerance of different groups, he added.

“College students, as a group, are quite liberal on this issue,” Smith said.

Minority students said that’s why they’re galled that fellow students today would even think that something like hanging a noose in a library is funny or acceptable. The school paper later published a letter of apology from a female student who wrote that she had only been playing with a rope, accidentally left in the library and did not mean to offend.

“Part of the problem is that people don’t realize it’s insensitive,” said Joelle Gamble, a student at the University of California, Los Angeles. “They see it as free speech.”


2,537 posted on 03/07/2010 4:02:11 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
GINA LOUDON: Democrat-Media Complex Accuses Tea Partiers of Being On… the Other Side.
MICHAEL BARONE: Low-tax Texas Beats Big-government California. 
"How do progressives explain this?"
"Simply put: they can't explain it. Or it's a debate liberals don't want to engage in, because the facts are not on their side. The fifty states of the Union are a testing lab for analyzing the efficacy of low tax, smaller government versus high tax, larger government. And the poor fiscal condition of the most problematic states - California, New Jersey, New York, etc. -- states with massive indebtedness, crushing cumulative tax burdens, unending pandering by politicians to public employee unions, and mass exoduses of citizens fleeing to greener pastures -- attest to the fact that the liberal approach to governance leads inexorably to one destination -- insolvency. Now Obama is trying to replicate these results on a national level with his spending profligacy and tax-heavy policies."
FORBES: The problem is spending, not just deficit.

Lead Story

Make your voice heard: Counter-protest the Obamacare Road Show

By Michelle Malkin  •  March 8, 2010 02:48 AM

This is it, Tea Party people. This is the week for your on-the-ground mobilization to help drive a final nail into the Obamacare coffin. The perpetual campaigner-in-chief will be in Philadelphia today and St. Louis on Wednesday to rally his troops/stage props on a taxpayer-funded road show.

He said “make your voice heard” last week.

Make sure he and the MSM hear yours.

As usual, only a select few will get inside the events. So raise your voices outside.

It’s short notice to organize, but here are details on the Philly visit this morning:

President Barack Obama will take his health insurance road show to the Delaware Valley Monday when he speaks at Arcadia University in Glenside, Pa. The event is free and open to the public but you must have a ticket to get in the door.

The tickets were all distributed on Saturday.

He’s scheduled to speak at 11:00am Eastern.

Arcadia University is located at 450 S. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038.

Here’s the website for the Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots.

Details on the St. Louis speech and fundraiser on Wednesday:

The White House announced Saturday that President Barack Obama has chosen St. Charles High School as the backdrop for his speech next Wednesday on health care. The afternoon address will be by invitation only, and not open to the general public, his staff said in a release…

…After the St. Charles speech, the president is to head to downtown St. Louis for a campaign fund-raising event Wednesday night to raise money for U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

While in Hannibal for Democrat Days, McCaskill told reporters that she expects — and will urge — that much of the DSCC money raised Wednesday be used to help Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, the best-known Democrat running for the U.S. Senate.

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon said Saturday that he expects to join Obama at some point during Wednesday’s visit.

St. Charles High School is located at 725 North Kingshighway Street, St Charles, MO 63301-1797.

The McCaskill/Obama fundraiser will be held at the Renaissance Grand Hotel. More info:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
6:30 PM
Renaissance Grand Hotel -*- 800 Washington Avenue -*- St. Louis, Missouri

RSVP Required

Ticket Levels:

$25 per person: Includes 1 Standing Ticket
$75 per person: Includes 1 Standing Ticket
$100 per person: Includes 1 Ticket with Priority Standing
$250 per person: Includes 1 Ticket with Premier Seating
$500 per person: Includes 1 Ticket with Ropeline Priority Seating

For more information please contact or Anna Jinkerson at (314) 592-2238 or


St. Louis Tea Party has info on a counter-rally 9:45 a.m. at the St. Charles Convention Center on Wednesday.


The NYTimes publishes its “handy road map” on Demcare. Be prepared:

THE ENDGAME This week, Mr. Obama will begin making what White House officials are calling the “closing arguments,” focusing on steep increases in insurance premiums and his insistence that a comprehensive overhaul is needed rather than the incremental approach Republicans are demanding. Mr. Obama’s final push will include visits to Philadelphia on Monday and St. Louis on Wednesday.

Senate Democrats, meanwhile, are preparing for a procedural fight with Republicans over the reconciliation measure. The rules require provisions to focus on meeting budget targets, and policy changes with only an “incidental” fiscal impact will be struck out.

(This is why Democrats cannot make changes to the abortion provisions, and may need a third bill to resolve that issue.)

Democrats will go to the floor with a package they believe can pass muster with the Senate parliamentarian, aiming to complete it by March 26. Surprises are possible, and while debate on a reconciliation bill is limited to 20 hours, Republicans can offer unlimited amendments, which will mean politically charged votes intended to inflict damage ahead of the midterm elections.

Senate Democrats control 59 votes, so passage of the reconciliation measure is expected — especially with Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia, a legendary protector of Senate rules, supporting the process.Even a 50-50 tie would pass it, because Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is the tie breaker.

Still, some House Democrats want assurances — perhaps a letter signed by 50 senators — but they may have to rely on Mr. Obama’s word.

Democratic leaders want lawmakers to make a simple calculation: vote yes and chalk up an accomplishment, or vote no and be painted as a failure. “You have got the pain, now get the gain,” is one new mantra.

How about some operating mantras for conservative activists:

Change the optics.

Kill the momentum. Kill the bill.

Don’t wait for promises of repeal. Stop the Demcare juggernaut now.

Obama Email: Don’t Call Us Socialists!

March 7th, 2010

The latest email from Mr. Obama’s paid army of astroturfers:

Xxxxx —

This week, a confidential fundraising memo from the Republican National Committee leaked to the press, detailing a new, desperate effort to manipulate voters and crush health reform.

The plan calls for "an aggressive campaign capitalizing on ‘fear’ of President Barack Obama and a promise to ’save the country from trending toward socialism.’" What’s worse, the presentation included offensive caricatures of Democratic leaders, including President Obama as the Joker from Batman.

So while President Obama was organizing a bipartisan meeting to discuss real solutions, and incorporating the best ideas into his proposal, right-wing political operatives and their special interest allies were preparing a campaign of fear and falsehoods to personally attack the President and deny Americans the care we need.

Enough. We cannot let the lowest form of politics derail the progress we’ve made for the American people. To counter their attacks, we’ll need to take our message to the air and to doorsteps across the country — and with a final vote on health reform expected in a matter of weeks, there’s no time to lose.

Please donate $5 or more today to help us defeat the attacks and pass reform.

There’s still hope that some independent-minded Republican members of Congress will embrace the President’s bipartisan proposal. But there’s no doubt that reform will face politically-motivated attacks and flat-out lies from those who put politics above an honest debate and the well-being of the American people.

In fact, next week, the lobbyist arm of the insurance industry is setting up headquarters at the Ritz-Carlton in D.C. to direct their own desperate blitz on Congress to block reform.

The final march for reform will be a pitched battle between entrenched special interests who profit from the status quo, and Americans — of all parties — who want control over their own health care.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment, and everything we’ve fought for is on the line. Please give what you can to help us beat back the lies and deliver reform:

Thank you,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee — 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Mind you, this is from the same people who tell us they just barely pulled the economy back from the brink of another Great Depression.

These are the same people who tell us that ‘global warming’ will destroy the world and everything on it in a few short years, unless we pass the largest tax increase in history and redistribute US taxpayer money to the rest of the world.

These are the same people who say people are dying in the streets by the thousands each day because we haven’t passed Obama-care.

But heaven knows, they aren’t fear-mongers. — Or pathological liars.

Still, what a laugh it is to see them howl like stuck pigs for being called socialists.

"So now hardened Revolutionaries of the Saul Alinsky school take umbrage with the pantywaists at the RNC for saying that the country is “trending toward socialism”?

How laughable, indeed."

"Can we call you “Progressives” then? Screw all of you liberal morons. You are willing to give this country away without a shot being fired to socialism/communism because you don’t want to work, you always have your hands out for something free, paid for by “someone else” and you want big government to make your decisions for you in everyday life. What a buch of “whooses” you liberals are!

“Declaration of Tea Party Independence”

The tea party movement is not run from any central point. There is no national, controlling apparatus, no top down structure, no board of directors, no president, no head person of any kind in charge of the tea party movement. In spite of what the untrustworthy mainstream press or the corrupt political class has attempted to portray, the tea party movement is a grass roots movement which has grown up nearly spontaneously across the United States in response to the overwhelming corruption of a cynical, elitist, and criminal ruling class..."

WRONG ON EVERY COUNT: Paul Ehrlich’s lifetime of hot air. And rewards therefor.
Obligatory Oscars open thread [Darleen Click]

Too much of the show has lost its appeal for me. TV viewership of the award show since 1974 hit its peak in 1998 and slid ever downwards after that.

Interestingly, ten films are now in the Best Film category this year. Was this a commercial decision in order to move those numbers up or one that acknowledges the blurring between live acting and animation? What is the difference between Avatar and Up? Save for one being a better film than the other?

2,538 posted on 03/08/2010 1:16:59 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Uses Fraudulent Uninsured Numbers to Exaggerate Urgency of Obamacare

Sec Sebelius on MTP: "I Think That We'll Have The Votes To Pass Comprehensive Health Reform" (Video)

The New Amnesty Bill

I covered this issue until I was blue in the face:

For "Thunder on the Border," click the picture:

Transcript of Adam Gadahn's 'A Call to Arms'

Answering Islam

'Broad support' for Australian Sharia law

I get as tired of posting this as some do, seeing it again- nonetheless:

For Islam, a Religion of Peace®? The Most Damning links-- click the picture:

I never get tired of seeing 9/11 is the most significant event in my lifetime that woke me up to the threat to our nation and its freedoms......Islam is this nations greatest national security threat....9/11 is something I never want to happen again...but if we don’t come to terms with Islam and kill that ideology in our country...we will surely see it again...just as we are now seeing in all these incidents happening.

I put this together, for remembrance:

Where It's 9-11 All the Time...Click the picture...

"Where it's nine-eleven all the time
and no Sun sets, and no clocks chime
where no voice speaks and no bird trills
the Moon hangs frozen o'er the hills
The winds are still, they seem to say,
Reflect, remember, stop to pray..."

( Note, and note well...
...that "plume of steam" you see to the right of the Twin Towers is the mushroom cloud thrown up from the crash of Flight 93...

Never Forgive,
Never Forget... )

Eligibility issue hits Hotlanta!



 ‘Hate group’ masquerading as advocate of human rights?
...and for that I owe the Fourniers my deepest trust, appreciation, and admiration. HTTP://
 muslim leader implodes, on air

MIT researchers discover new way of producing electricity

What Dave and his chum Barack don't want you to know about green jobs and green energy

Internet access is 'a fundamental right'

And if four in five people believed they should have free housing and get paid a million bucks for sitting on the beach, I guess they’d be right, too, right BBC?

Idiots. The only thing that poll shows is a huge lack of understanding about what a right is, in a very small sampling of people, and the ignorance of the press to try to pass this off as a legitimate piece of news.

The Woeful State of the States (budgets)

Drilling Bans to Cost U.S. $2.36 Trillion, Industry Study Says

In October 2009, GE and Whirlpool Corporation announced the creation of the Smart Green Grid Initiative (SGGI), a collaborative effort aimed at demonstrating the role of smart grid technologies and practices in the achievement of climate change goals.

GE, eh? Why am I not surprised?


Think about that! Forget the penny tax! It was never about the tax. It was about the idea of being ruled by people who cared not a whit about your lives but who only saw you as a source of revenue for their own grand ideas.

2,539 posted on 03/08/2010 2:57:43 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: backhoe

“Where it’s nine-eleven all the time
and no Sun sets, and no clocks chime
where no voice speaks and no bird trills
the Moon hangs frozen o’er the hills
The winds are still, they seem to say,
Reflect, remember, stop to pray...”

who wrote that?

2,540 posted on 03/08/2010 3:02:31 AM PST by visualops (Freepin' on my Pre!)
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