The web page is up to date, the last update was at about 6:30 PM today. They are in the middle, or actually close to the end, of a recount. The figures you are looking at are the original count. It does matter, and If I were McCain I would be demanding a recount on all battle ground states and an investigation of voter fraud.
if the GOP does nothing then obama will do the same thing again and we can not let him do this in 4 years
we know OH has voter fraud for sure as it has been shown
we know in PA there was intimidation but more to the point a man admitted he voted more than once
we know in PA poll watchers was not allowed in to see what was going on
we know ACORN was up to no good again
we know obama has admitted he can’t account all the money so where does it come from and why use the prepaid credit cards
I’ve never heard of this before in an election and it should be banned
I would love to know how many fraudulent votes were cast in my state by those how have property here but live up north, how many illegals voted
how many did ACORN do?
these have to be looked into to
after all this is an American election electing the most powerful position in the world
so McCain and the GOP needs to push this