To: Shelayne
My god. Insisting that your candidate know the seven continents is satanic?
You are what scares me about our party.
To: lieutenant columbo
I agree with you that she fired up the base initially. However, she alienated moderates, AND she started alienating conservatives as it became clearer that she was not up to the job. Her numbers dropped steadily through the campaign.
She was a mistake.
To: lieutenant columbo
Oh, get over it.
I’m talking about the attacks on her from the day she was announced. They didn’t keep it to her; they went after her children, including her BABY! They won’t be happy until she is completely destroyed. And as far as I’m concerned it is EVIL!
And if it scares you that I recognize evil, then I will live with that.
683 posted on
11/06/2008 1:11:41 PM PST by
(Pray without ceasing. Pray the Lord's Hand in our election process.)
To: lieutenant columbo
Please tell me you don't believe the bit about Africa? It is far easier to believe someone is making something up to hurt Gov. Palin out of spite. Of course if you actually believe she was a mistake you might believe the Governor of a state didn't know about Africa.
I believe anyone who buys this garbage is predisposed to believe ill of Sarah Pail for other reasons.
Satan is only one of them :-)
700 posted on
11/06/2008 9:27:58 PM PST by
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