Yeah, I've seen these "reports", which are second-hand rumors of dark whispers from Romney acolytes (which is what exactly?). No quotes from Romney, nay, not even quotes from these acolytes, who are no longer working for Romney, whose campaign long ago ended.
I've supported Romney at FR. Am I an acolyte? I think Palin is great, was a boost to the campaign (probably better than Mitt would been) but would have been even greater if she had greater interviewing prowess. There, now you've got equivocal-about-Sarah quote from a Romney acolyte! You are no longer reliant on rumors from reputable web sites. Have at it.
A good honest answer. Expecting Sarah Palin to hit the campaign trail ready to go day one was probably expecting too much. But this idea that she’s not teachable... that sounds like McCain more than Sarah.