Maybe there is no God...
Maybe it's time we took another look at term limits and get rid of some of the vilest people on earth who will do anything to destroy Christianity, but will allow some godless sect to practice their beliefs. With term limits, perhaps we can restore some sane behavior in Congress. Have you noticed that Democrats are never held responsible for their wrong-doings? But they scream bloody murder until a Republican has to be punished for making a humorous statement, that they blew out of proportion. They have thieves and liars among their membership who are never punished. Members of Congress are our employees, yet they have usurped their authority and have begun voting themselves huge raises and retirement programs. They work for us and we should make those decisions.
I'm for taking back our nation and restoring prayer in schools, and for impeaching judges who use laws of foreign countries to interpret our laws. We have a Constitution and if they can't follow it; kick them out! We've depended on our lawmakers and representatives to do right by us, but few have. I read today that Chuckie Schumer wants in re-enact the Fairness Doctrine Act. They've tried it before, and when people have to listen to their stupidity they turn them off. We've got to send people like him a message that this is our country NOT HIS, and we will make that decision.
Yes, I believe God will restore this nation when people humble themselves and repent for what they have allowed to be done to Him. I don't mean you personally...I mean the people who were supposed to be doing our bidding, but forgot who they were responsible to and for.