My crazy fear is that 9.5% undecideds just don’t bother to vote.
“My crazy fear is that 9.5% undecideds just dont bother to vote.”
Scary isn’t it. Wants wrong with people.
Something like 90% of the television viewing audience in the US watched the first moon landing. That means 10% said “look Honey someone is landing on the moon. Let’s watch Gidget.”
McCain Campaign’s Pollster Bill McInturff said their internals have been running right at an 8% undecided number. They have asked the voters to rate their intensity to vote on a scale of one to ten. Ten being definitely voting. Out of the undecideds, 61% said it was a 10 that they were going to vote. Over 90% of the undecideds are white middle aged working class voters.
Obama identified these folks as “Bitter Clingers”
I would note that the campaigns internal polls had them tied or within a point in all the battle ground states. So assuming that 5% of the undecided vote, and 90% are McCain votes, McCain picks up a net 4%. Enough to win every red state plus PA and NH.
Tomorrow night is going to be a seminal moment in American Political history. McCain is going to win, when no poll within 30 days of the election gave him a tie or the lead. The drive by media will be decimated. The shockwaves will shake the political left in the country, shattering its foundation and leading to its demise. We are going to get to witness something that Americans 200 years from now will talk about. And it will be FreeRepublic, and other bastions of truth and freedom who will have been responsible for this victory. This will be an election won by us for our nation.
Get out and vote. Make calls to friends and family. Then tune in and watch as our votes and those of our fellow Americans keep the flame of freedom burning for our children and grandchildren.