Completely disagree on her writing skill. She could have chopped 300 pages on that tree killing book and still made her excellent points with all of her insights.
I agree. Also, a writer should learn how to “lecture” without lecturing.
Another great flaw was timing. Atlas is essentially a book about the 30’s that was published in the mid-50’s. If it had come out during FDR’s “reign”, when many in the US looked favorably on the planned economies of the USSR and facist Germany, it would have had a greater punch than during the postwar period.
I’m a heavy reader - the type that can’t trade or throw a book away. I felt War and Peace was an easier read - though not as pleasurable. The 50 page speech by Galt at the end nearly made me give up despite being so close to the end.
I imagine it is similar to War and Peace and DeTocqvilles Democracy in America (ibid)everyone claims to have read them, but few really have. I’ve started DIA twice, but haven’t managed to push through the way I did the other two.
‘Completely disagree on her writing skill. She could have chopped 300 pages on that tree killing book and still made her excellent points with all of her insights.’
What do you have against lumberjacks? They need work too!