From this link...
UMWA has no working miners in Eastern Kentucky, but union's heritage remains strong
The union pays out $71 million in pensions and $91 million in healthcare expenditures each year.
Just in that area, if I read that article right. That's a lotta money. And it's gonna be hard to come by if they kill the goose laying the golden eggs.
So either Barry's lying through his teeth -again- or the union and the 'Rats are going to do to the coal industry what they've done to Detroit.
Back in early October I spent several days in Southeast Kentucky. One of the men I was visiting told me over lunch that his grandmother, a Democrat to the bone, UMWA mother, sister, aunt and matriarch, told the family......”I just can’t vote for that boy with the funny name”
The UMWA hold on the economically bustling area seems to be gone
They already did it to the coal industry in PA.
There are very few union mines left. Actually, there are very few miners left in SW PA. The issue is that we depend on coal for energy. Cap and trade will make energy in this part of the country unaffordable and make business uncompetitive.