I’ve sent him several donations.
It’s still going to be a tough fight. But there will NEVER be a better opportunity to bring Murtha down. He’ll never be this vulnerable again.
We have the Haditha Marines story, which will be old news two years from now. We have William Russell, who is a very impressive guy. And we have Murtha screwing up not once but twice, with his racist, redneck insults against his own constituents. And now we see him calling in his debts and BUYING his re-election.
We also have McCain-Palin’s coattails, and constituents in the district who probably distrust and fear Barry Hussein.
Everything is coming together against Murtha. As Flannery O’Connor titled one of her best short stories, “Everything that Rises Must Converge.”
So it’s now or never. Let it be now!
Looks like a threat to me.