“But truly, everyone, remember that most Obama supporters are not like this.”
Besides the carving-up of the face THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE!
The socialist Democrats will rob your paycheck before it gets to you or rob you at the ATM — THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN THE END!
Republicans have Joe the Plumber
Democrats have Joe the Armed Robber
That could be, but I've heard about a number of similar situations. On Tuesday, a person here in the Kansas City metro area had her house set on fire and her McCain sign stolen. (She'd already had her house vandalized and her sign stolen once.)
I myself have been accosted by aggressive Obama supporters twice.
True . Most will use the I.R.S. , the courts and the police to take your money .
Two black guys confronted me in the gym because I had an anti-Obama shirt on.
I am a very large man, myself, and it was very obvious it was going to get physical -— but the gym workers came in and intervened.
Thank you for your condescension. No one has suggested that most of Obama's supporters are like this. However, are even a few on our side so vile?
You just keep your blinders on until it happens to you. if you’re black you’ll be OK, if you’re white keep your gun close.
Obama ordered this kind of stuff...GET IN THEIR FACE!!!
Sorry, 0bama supporters by default are
supporting someone that is a fascist, so, yes, they are all thugs at heart.
I think if O wins you are in for a really big surprise about the O and his supporters.
Yes, thank you for stating it so eloquently. While at it, remember also that most terrorists are not like the 19 on 9/11.
We’ve had several instances in my area of houses being vandelized because of McCain signs, one report here on FR had someone’s house being shot at as well as spray painted.
We don’t know that. You’ll have to prove to us that most other Obama supporters are NOT vicious pukes.
Yes they are.
You’re known by the company you keep.
This is NO TIME for “blessed are the peacemakers” stuff. This is a WAR for the soul of our nation.
When push comes to shove, as it inevitably will, may it be assumed you'll be wobbly?
I hope not.
I consider communists to be worse than armed robbers.
Of course they are. Most of them just don't have the integrity to carry out the robbery with their own hands.
Obama himself is inciting his idiot followers by telling them to "get in our face" and such.
He hates Republicans, yet he'll negotiate with terrorists. He is one effed up dude, and he very well may be our next President.
most hussein supporters are either stupid, drunk, drugged, jobless, lazy, too rich to care, or arrogant and self righteous and I think a lot of them have ALL of these characteristics...
What we are seeing is a social movement based on emotion and an organization which takes advantage of and channels emotion in its more extreme adherents. This is how ordinary people who you say are indeed "not like this" get sucked into it a little at time, just as happened in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s in many countries, Spain, Germany, Italy and so on.
Rather than actually eject such people prone to violence, the Obama Campaign puts them to work. Thus the thug, instead of simply robbing the woman, goes the extra mile and carves a "B"in her face. The effect is one of chilling of politics, one is more prone to keep ones dedication to Mccain secret, This is how fascism begins. So you need to know the context in which you say," Most Obama Supporters Are Not Like This." Notice how those who are not like this are remaining silent rather than decrying this travesty. Note how the MSM turns the other way?
WAKE AMERICA UP. DO not go along to get along.
Those F'n days have been over for several months now, but Obama is banking on millions of people just like you.
This is America. No one carves the initial of a presidential candidate on a victims' face and yet it does NOT become a central news item? Imagine if it had hapened to a black person who was an Obama supporter with a M carved into her face!
Say two words to yourself.
" Kenya Template."
And the MSM is letting it happen rather than protecting America.
Lastly, this crime is a genuine federal offence. It is a violation of the civil rights of the victim. ACLU where ARE you?Buahahahaha.
Self help is the only remedy against Obama and his thugs.
No one else will protect you, not even the police in many instances. The feds are also in the bag for Obama, they know the DOJ will do nothing to prevent Obama thugs from intimidating US citizens during this campaign or on election day.
WE my FRiends, are ON OUR OWN.
This is the beginning of the devolution of America, when such an attack DOES NOT trigger national outrage and sympathy.